I am going to Inochicon in August as well. Only for Saturday thought. If you're going, well I'll see you there ^.^. I won't be cosplaying though. Probably just take a lot of pictures and making new friends.
An Adam Lambert Concert is in August too. I asked my mom for my **(I won't tell you my age) b-day party. But she said no. Claudia(yes my violin partner) my sis and I are planning to go if my mom allows it. We all love him. I don't care he's gay(seriously people who cares about that BS, he has talent).
The world cup was pissing me off. Racist comments in the forums about asian in the Japan Vs Paraguary game.
Camp is also in a couple of weeks. I still need to work on my violin piece. Also my new violin is Lenardo. This is the story. I was fighting over Benjamin/Travis but we got on the topic of Lenardo Dicaprio(my sister loves him) and my violin partner(yes I hang out with her a lot. I go to her house often enough, her siblings tries to kick us out everytime) likes that name. So Leonardo he is. Genaivive and Leonardo.