Dec 13, 2006 08:24
I wanna know why he is so damn protective of his friends. I mean's fucking ridiculous. It's not my fucking fault if someone wants to look further into any fucking comment I make and then decide that it might be offensive to someone whom it has no business offending. Let's just say there was this huge jar of pot my boyfriend had in his possession and in two days it was gone. Now, who wouldn't be a little surprised/fucking shocked that one person or three people could go through that much in TWO FUCKING DAYS. So of course a very natural and logical response upon hearing that it's gone would be..."That whole jar is gone!" So if there is someone else in the car...say an univited roommate of your boyfriend who was at the heart of finishing off all that pot happened to hear your surprise and get offended by it...WELL FUCK THEM. Especially if the comment wasn't intended to offend anyone and you should definitely not get offended by a comment made that suggest that you smoke way too much fucking pot for your own good. Be fucking proud of who you are and if something like that offends's not my fucking fault, clearly you have some guilt about it in the first place. Not to mention you can only be made to feel bad about yourself if you let someone make you feel that way. So if you're going to smoke a shit load of pot, kill all your brian cells and in the process take all your friends down with you, be proud of it, don't fucking get offending at hearing that there are other people out there who are better than you and don't approve. Plenty of people don't approve of some of the things I do, but that doesn't stop me or cause me to feel bad about myself. It makes me so fucking angry...I'm not going to sensor myself just because your friends are so fucking pussy that they get offended over the most general comment. If you feel guilty about it...maybe you shouldn't fucking be doing it!