Nov 17, 2003 14:21
* clients who care.
* morning walks around the silver lake.
* toasted cheese sandwiches.
* scallop-edged scissors that make ordinary notecards look fancy.
* beadmaking. finding a rhythm and all of a sudden you're done.
* The Royal Tenenbaums, even funnier the second (and i suspect, the third, fourth, and fifth) time.
* roasted tomato soup. who knew? i didn't.
* chunky sweaters with big buttons.
* the style channel.
* ladies brunch with tonia & mom at mimi's cafe.
* co-writing postcards with rama.
* BOGGLE (thank you, miss s).
* craft projects that are so cute that you want to tell everyone but can't because they're secret.
* Boxy, the care package with a brown paper body, twine nose and big sticker eyes.
* singing at the top of my lungs as a headache/neckache cure(!)