And another one up

Aug 30, 2008 06:03

I have to go to the DPS when it opens in the morning, so I've been drowning myself in coffee for 3 hours. Just a smidge wired.

And I'll be surprised if someone actually reads this in its entirety

That being said the long rant that's been in my head for two days unfolds:

People are my nemesis. Not you persons, well for the most part. Humans individually are fun. I like individual people. It's people in large groups or demographics which chap my hide. Because people in lump sums tend to make the most glaring errors as a unified body.

They swallow for the most part everything they're told. They deconstruct systems and political ecosystems on a whim because they don't see the full picture. They're impulsive, trend-minded, afraid of learning as a unit, and generally plod along without asking important questions, following their Pied Piper wherever he may lead them. Their need to identify and cling to a community or concept exceeds the value of the community or concept. For instance, it's more important for people to claim to be a democrat or christian then it is to actually support any democratic programs or to do anything remotely exemplary christian. For many people, there's little compromise in life. Little grey areas. You're either for, or against something. If you're not for the war, you must be against it. If you're not a christian, well, you must hate god. If you're not a liberal, you must be a conservative. If you're not for the legalization of drugs, you must be a prude who abhors them. If you love Britney Spears, then you must hate angst rock or vice versa. For many people, life is a series of multiple choice options, where only one scantron bubble can be shaded in. Nobody thinks for themselves anymore, but rather, swallow what they're told.

I hate conservatives (of the compassionate sort) and liberals for the same reason. They have a hauty air about them where they think they know what's best for everybody else, that they're operating from a higher moral or spiritual plane, and they'd like to redo society in a format they're more partial to. Mind you, there's always exceptions, so you conservatives and liberals reading this, don't reply and tell me you're not like that, for there's always exceptions to every rule. But why should I have to think about closing down my strip clubs and stop smoking in bars or have my tv shows toned down, because these things don't 'sit right' with you people? All the rationale I'm given is biased scientific testing, told how Jesus wouldn't like it, or 'how our children might suffer'. Making society 'child-proof' so they can grow up to be sheltered moronic insular kids with no experience or aptitude for real life, because we kept the 'naughty sinful things' out of their reach for so long.

I also hate how very few people itemize their philisophical/spiritual shopping lists. In the case of religion or spirituality, it's assumed that it's a finesse relationship between just you and your maker, yet these institutions know the best way to do it, so you have to do whatever they want. You have to color inside their lines or else, you're fucked. That before this church or religion came about, people were going to hell or 'the burning place' left and right until God decided to give man a chance to save his ass, and how they're the only one that counts and all other religions are 'evil'. Turf wars over spirituality. It's another fucking business as to who gets your Sunday donations. Once you commit, you have to go whole hog and do whatever they want, or else, you're going to hell. For some reason, I'm one of the people who can see through all this stuff, and can pick valid points from here and there without feeling the need to commit to any spiritual body. If my own spirituality is between me and the big guy, why the hell should I swallow whatever some guy in a dress who doesn't even know me preaches? Eastern philosophy doesn't embody any absolute truths for me either. I recognize some valuable insights into each, and use them in my own pet personal worldview of spirituality, but I don't consider them anything more than abstract meditations on certain metaphysical ideas. But not just spirituality, but politics too. Everybody feels the need to side with a certain party, even if they don't fully support the whole thing. People who hate military spending who call themselves republicans; people who love capital punishment and oppose abortion calling themselves democrats. Look, if you don't fully support one political party view, don't call yourself a member! You're not. You're a dissenting voice who's critical of their agenda, so that would rule you out as anything but a 'fair weather friend' hoping to be dragged to utopia on that party's coattails. Same as religion. If you call yourself a christian, yet you live with your boyfriend and support abortion and gay rights, then you're not a christian. You're just a supporter of their philosophies, but an outsider. A fair-weather friend who wants to reap all the benefits without contributing to any of the demands. It's like saying you're a big supporter of the band, even though you've never been to their concerts and download all their music for free.

So, to bottom-line this ranting ramble. If you say you're affiliated with some political or spiritual or philisophical body, then fucking toe their lines all way. Don't half-ass it. The thing that pisses me off more than die-hard fundamentals is wishy-washy fundamentals. Fundamentals and left-leaning liberals: get off my fucking cloud already. Stop thinking you know what's best for everybody. No one appointed you people saviors of our souls/humanity. If we want to wallow, we'll wallow. We don't want to 'better' our lives by starting to live our lives the way you live yours. If we fucking did, we'd be there with you in church or on your protest marches or whatever. Because we're not there, it means we don't care about you and your agenda, and you have no right to try and enforce them on us. People, stop being such sheep. Show a little selectivity in your higher choices, and remember, you can always switch later if one thing isn't working out for you, and you can always choose to leave the space blank and simply borrow from all the choices. That means, if it's spirituality, it's between you and God and fuck whatever the religious institituions tell you; if it's between you and politics, simply vote for the candidate who's best suited for the job by your standards, not by the standards of the party you only claim to be supportive of. And read more about things you take for granted. There's tons of information out there regarding the origins of whatever it is you want to know about. Everything has explanations. You don't have to swallow whatever you're told because they tell you it's best for you. Show a little intellegence and free will and make a judgemental selection next time. If you understood EXACTLY why you believed and supported everything and each facet of that philisophical body, then you'll not only be a working armchair academic in that field, but unassailable from corrupt leaders who seek to pull a fast one on you. Put on your fucking thinking hats for a change, put down the Playstation controller, stop downloading that Soulja Boy song, and actually use your brains for a change. Life is full of distractions. You have the final say on how much it does distract you from the things that matter. And be willing to compromise more, dammit. Too many ceaseless arguments because everybody thinks they're right that they won't even bother to entertain the opposing point of view. Well, guess what: you don't know everything, and the other person is probably no dummy, and there's no doubt a valid reason why they believe the things they do, so maybe a little skill called listening might be of value sometimes. Who knows, you might leave a brighter person. You may be the star in your own life movie, but to everyone else, you're a background character in their movies. Bush is an I'm-right-you're-wrong kind of prick, and look how much people hate him. Clinton was the duke of diplomacy, and he knew compromise was always the way to settle any argument, no matter what was at stake. Stop holding grudges. Life is too full of possibilities to waste on excess negativity and crummy shortcomings rationale.

So...start being better people, people, or as God as my witness, I'll stop this car and come back there, and you don't want that.

Also, yes, I know that I'm a dickhead who could probably stand to read the same things I just wrote. I didn't say I was Teflon Liz, where flaws and criticism slides right off me. But I do know what I believe in and live life as a free thinker, not as another interchangable cog in the machine of humanity.
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