Barrack my world.

Nov 08, 2009 14:40

I have now had ANOTHER dream about Barrack Obama. I can see this is going the same route as the Clinton Years. I used to dream about him allll the time.

If you'll remember, a couple of months ago, I dreamed that he and I slept together in a governmental fraternity house.

This one was not quite so racy. headbanger118 and I were attending a high school band, at a high school. (An undisclosed location?) Obama just sits down in the row in front of us, and I'm all "OMG OMG OMG OMG!!" So headbanger118 says "well, TALK to him!" So I did. We were chit-chatting, totally blowing off the performance, and he was just so friendly. But then he started quizzing me about political history and I got some answers wrong, making me feel like a big dummy. I then switched the topic of conversation to music, and we had a blast. Finally the performance was over and we got up to mill around. I saw Michelle, so I went running up to give her a big hug. She was all "WTF are you doing, girl?" and very stiff when I hugged her. Maybe she didn't want a hug. Or maybe she knew I'd slept with her man. Either way, she was having none of it and basically left me standing there. De-NIED.

So I found Barry (we were on a major first-name basis by this time) again, and we shot the breeze some more. I have no idea where headbanger118 had gone by this time. She'd probably gotten exasperated and left me. I promised I'd come to all his future speaking engagements (as IF!) and he promised to remember me. I think we might have done some sort of secret handshake at that point.

Not a bad dream at all, except for being dissed by Michelle. Sure beats the dream I had earlier, in which I'd gotten a DUI and had to be bailed out by my mom.


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