
Oct 12, 2005 12:57

I am so stupid today. I was at home minding my own business when I looked at the clockand noticed it was half-past. So I rushed to finish getting ready to go to class, hopped in my car, and was on my way. Then I got to school, couldn't find a parking lot and finally parked really far away from my actual class. Then I walked into the school. through the Cafeteria, past the drafting rooms to see if maybe I Could still catch Adam, and then walked down to my classroom. I looked in the wrong classrom and the chairs were facing the wrong direction, so I was really confused until I realized it was the wrong room. Then I went to the next room and some lady was talking, so I kind of opened the door, and then I realized, I didn't know any of those people. Then I left and turned around to see a clock in the office right outside the classroom. It read 12:57! My class starts at 2! Oops. That is so stupid! I can't even read a freaking clock.
So now I have an hour to kill before my class starts and there is nothing to do here. This is so pointless, I could be at home studying for my Rock and Roll class. GRROWL!
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