Went browsing eBay for a certain rare FFVII collectable and came upon a bevy of auctions for just about everything. It seems that ever since AC and the rest of the Compilation came about, the amount of FFVII merch on eBay has grown exponentially. Included in these auctions are the usual offenders: bootlegs from Hong Kong, legit items from Hong Kong with low openers but ridiculously high shipping, people selling "rare" items that really aren't, fan-made stuff like doujinshi and
Those Darned Materia, and, of course, actual collectables at reasonable prices. However, there were also some items that have to be seen to be believed:
Cloud Strife pants - Okay, sure, auctions for cosplay supplies are pretty normal, but $700.00 for pants?! I don't care if they're custom-made-did Giorgio Armani design them or something?
FFVII Greatest Hits version, factory sealed - Again, way overpriced, but worth checking out for the rofflecopter-worthy item description: if you've ever wanted to see a PS1 GH game described as being in "museum quality" condition, this is the place!
Cloud cosplay wig - This is the best fan-made item I've seen on eBay in a long, long time. And they have a Reno wig for sale, too!
FFVII Soundtrack Collection - I especially like the lengths they went to to show that the disks are not bootlegged. Still, I have to wonder-who is their market? FFVII collectors and game music aficionados who can afford Japanese CDs (natch, I'm both) would want the disks in their original packaging, and broke fans (which I used to be) are more likely to pick up one of the billions of Hong Kong bootlegs available. Are they going after broke fans with a conscience? Maybe, but it seems like an odd way to do it.
FFVII - Disk Two only - What's most unusual about this auction is that people are bidding on it! Are there that many beat-up Disk Twos out there?
FFVII "Ultimate Memory Card" - It just goes to show you that some people will auction off anything. From the description, it seems this is not a rare phenomenon, either o_O;
Fun stuff XD