d_angel... who got five man whores!
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
blueshinra sent to me...
Twelve llamajoys drumming
Eleven fadedjaes piping
Ten stynxnos a-leaping
Nine st_scottys dancing
Eight red_dynamos a-milking
Seven rolling katamaris a-swimming
Six webmasters a-laying
Five ta-a-a-actical rpgs
Four weird pairings
Three nintendo ds
Two steve jobs
...and a deviantart in a cj/woozie.
How ironic... five is the exact number of tactical RPGs I have sitting around, just waiting to be played o_O;
Oh, created a new
sockpuppet today for
fandomwar (but more for the latter). Noooo, I'm not bitter about the PS2 dying, as it was an inevitability. However, I did give in to the urge to poke a Sony fanboy in a certain thread on Joystiq today; as a result one of mine and both of his comments ended up being deleted. Wow, are the Joystiq mods actually being on top of things? I'm shocked, really.