(First of all, fuck you LJ. I wrote out my whole post, only to publish it and find that all it said was "Two weeks since I notic". What the hell.)
Two weeks since I noticed that one of my molars had magically been chipped, I now have a brand new crown on said tooth. Today's appointment didn't take as long as I expected; pretty much all they did was swap out the temp crown that was put in on the 6th with the permanent one.
So now my jaw is numb, again. Not nearly as numb as two weeks ago, at least. Also, the anesthetic was optional this time, but I needed it.
Anyway, live RiffTrax tonight with my husband who's never seen a full episode of MST3K (
good looking out,
useless_espers). And come Sunday, we'll be hitting up IKEA for a new desk chair for me (if all goes well) as well as a smattering of non-furniture Swedish household (and meatball) goodness :D