Title: Ghost Stories
Chapter: 10 -
The Post-Jenova Era (final chapter)
Fandom: FFVII: Advent Children
Characters: All major ones, plus some OCs
Pairings: Reeve/Reno
Rating: R
Summary: The sequel to
Loveless. As Meteor falls and the Lifestream rises to meet it, the fates of the Planet's inhabitants are anything but sealed. Those still alive when all is said and done count their blessings, but the past-and the dead-linger on and manifest themselves when least expected.
Chapter Summary: Jenova has finally been completely eradicated. What next?
Warnings: Language, violence, mature situations, death.
Author's notes:
Here. Includes a synopsis covering major events from Loveless. Also note that all previous chapters have now been revised (where necessary).
Previous chapters:
One .
Two .
Three .
Four .
Five .
Six .
Seven .
Eight .
Nine (x-posted to a few places)
Feedback welcome, as usual. This is it from me for the Loveless-verse... for now, anyway. I have ideas for additional Loveless Preludes stories, but don't know if/when they'll become a reality.
Back to Ghost Stories for a sec-here's a couple of lines from FFVII that drew my attention as I was finishing writing this fic:
"You know, I was thinking...phew... Why does Materia always have something to do with battles or magic? I bet the Ancients must've always been fighting. It must've been...ugh...terrible..." - Yuffie, on the Highwind
"The Ancients...in time that is probably what later generations will call us. Hmm...hwa ha ha ha... It's only a matter of time for us." - Vincent, on the Highwind
In non fanfic-pimping news, I started Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance yesterday. Being used to SRPGs that are either robustly complicated or insanely difficult (or both), this game feels like a lightweight. I'm playing on Normal difficulty but may start over again on Hard; might make for a more challenging game, at least. As for the gameplay, it's a bit simpler than what I'm used to; this is more Jeff's style of SRPG (going by what I've seen of Shining Force so far). Also, the cutscenes tend to be much longer than necessary. Oh, and there's no wanzers, but not all SRPGs can be that awesome ^_~
On the plus side, now I'm looking forward to replaying Disgaea (via the upcoming DS port) even more. That Etna's voice actor isn't the same as the one from the original PS2 version is kind of worrying, though; if it's the same as her Disgaea 2 voice... then hells yeah, it'll be inferior ;P
Finally, a fun quote that caught my eye recently. This is from Chris Kohler's Twitter feed, as posted at
Game|Life - "You know you're on a plane back from PAX when: someone's phone rings, and it's the codec noise from Metal Gear"