Hey, F-List and anyone else who comes across this journal:
Please keep my dog
Kimba in your thoughts and/or prayers. She's recently stopped eating and while she doesn't act sick other than that, and even shows interest in food, though she doesn't eat more than a bite or two, I'm starting to really worry. She's my baby and I love her so much that I can't even begin to think about what I'll do if I lose her now. She's only six, so she's not really old, though she's not a pup either (she qualifies for the "Senior Wellness program" at the vet's office). I took her to the vet yesterday, and the vet expressed concern that it's either liver problems (!!) or canine diabetes.
I switched her to a bland diet as per the vet, to see if maybe she'll eat something different that we know won't upset her system, and while she seemed excited over the change in food, she still didn't eat much of it, though I wonder if she was still wound up over the vet visit and if the food was too hot off the stove. We'll see later today when I feed her again. I'm really worried about her.
Please think good thoughts for her, okay?