George W Bush is a fucking moron (don't I just wish that was a headline!)
God this whole selling-ports-to-UAE thing is just.... I don't understand why the fuck we NEED to sell them?
Drives to ban gay adoption heat up in 16 states"
My comment: Not content with banning gay marriage, the fucking homophobes out there want to deny them the right to adopt too. Geez. Isn't it bad enough that they're going to "go to hell" by your doctrine? Do you HAVE to make their lives a living hell too? GET YOUR FUCKING DOGMA AWAY FROM MY KARMA!
"Now that we've defined what marriage is, we need to take that further and say children deserve to be in that relationship," says Greg Quinlan of Ohio's Pro-Family Network, a conservative Christian group.
Oh, I get it. So only legally married couples can adopt under this ruling, right? No civil unions, no commonlaw pairings, and NO SINGLE PARENTS....
War costs irk Congress"
My comment: It's about time someone in the government got fed up with it! Too bad Congress doesn't have the balls to use its own power. Geez. Funny Cide has more balls than they do.