Jan 24, 2006 17:31

*runs around screaming frantically*

Actually, it's been there since about 1 o'clock. I got up late (about noon or so) and lounged. Then I took a shower, and as I was getting dressed slowly (I had a bra and undies on) just as I was reaching for my jeans.... I see a BIG FUCKING BEE (hornet or wasp, not sure which and dun care) ON MY JEANS! ALIVE!! CRAWLING AROUND!!


So I ran out of the room and shut the door, then called dad up and asked if we had hairspray or Raid or something I could use to kill it. His response? "I think there's a fly swatter out in the garage."


So, needless to say, I can't go anwhere (not dressed, plus keys, purse and money are in the afflicted room) and I can't take care of it, cuz i'm like deathly afraid of bees.

LUCKILY, I have my second harddrive on my computer shared on the network, so I've been able to entertain myself on my mom's computer (like right now) by listening to my music on this computer while reading over my various discussion boards and stuff. I grabbed one of Dad's t-shirts (cuz they sorta fit) but I have no pants on, so I'm wrapped in a blanket, just cuz I don't wanna be in my unmentionables if something happens and I have to go outside for anyreason (like, a dog gets out or something).

Guh. January can't be over soon enough!

Here's how my month has gone!

January 2: Nimo gets out and runs me up and down the effing street in the rain for half an hour, worried he'll get hit by a car. I proceed to get more angry at a dog than I've been in many, many years.

January 17: while making a quick run up to 7-11, I make the mistake of trying to rush out of the crowded parking lot.... and BACK INTO A PARKED CAR. Granted, the car wasn't parked legally, but that doesn't mean it ain't my fault. He wasn't moving. I don't even think his car was on. I don't even know if the guy was IN the car at the time I hit it, or standing just outside it. The guy was nice about it, and no damage was done to my care (a little tiny scrape and maybe a crack in the black-plastic covering that protects the turn-signal light... but nothing major... that truck is made of something tougher than steel, I think o.O) but.... *cries* I don't wanna have these issues!

January 22: not a bad day, but guess what I started! Hint... red fluids.

January 24: A big honking bee scares me, scantily clad, out of my room for most of the day. I can't get anything accomplished until my father gets home to take care of the bee, so I amuse myself with doing my chores (OMFG, early!) and playing on my mom's computer.

Speaking of which.... my father should be home by now. Dammit! Where is he? I want my pants and I want that BEE DEAD!!

You'd better believe I'm going out tonight and BUYING A CAN OR TWO OF RAID!!!

I dont' even know how that bee got in there! I thought the hornet's nest up in the attic was long gone years ago... god I hope it didn't come through the ceiling vent in the bathroom.... I hope it crawled in through a crack in the wall around the air conditioner... otherwise WHY IS IT IN **MY** ROOM?!

Uh oh... gotta go use the porcelin chair... stupid feminine issues...

horrible day, menarch

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