Nov 23, 2003 08:39
as i seem to be eternally distracted by thinking about the following whilst studying, i figured i'd write them down and therefore eliminate them from my brain. thus allowing me to study effectively. right?
things i will do once i finish exams:
go to busselton; laugh with my friends, get to know people better, swim in the ocean, get covered in sand, get a tan (without trying), take many photos and watch sunsets happily.
clean my room; take out my old desk and put in the new one, put up my RotK blockmount, get my other posters blockmounted, do a collage of photos for the wall, move my bed
go to JB and purchase CDs and DVDs galore for low, low prices *zim fist*
burn CDs for my diskman, charge my batteries and tune out to the world
watch a LotR 2/3 marathon of the first and second extended DVDs
watch cast commentaries and DVD extras with Anna in the smouldering heat and darkness of her room (oh, whilst eating many amounts of candy)
go to work and hang out in the freezer as much as possible whilst making money and eating copious amounts of ice. bonus!
decide whether or not to go to riverview camp. ponder, ponder.
do c-groupy things with kate and hayley, think of many smart things to say.
take katebiscuit to see owen and giggle delightedly in insane amounts.
get my hair cut into some rational form. oh! and dye it black (to get rid of these nasty blonde patches).
put up my site, or some form on it. hijack the laptop, mwahaha.
find times to dance, preferably early morning due to heat and work hard. must feel fitter (losing weight may be an optional extra).
go to choir practises for JTB and learn how to sing. remember how to breathe properly, start doing voice exercises again to get some versatility.
go on picnics, visit the beach, the movies, sunset barbecues.
make new friends with new people.
it's just the impending summer demands so much of my attention. yet, i have five exams in the way. gar! *shakes fist* if only it was this time next week...