Pit bulls and Pork Buns

Apr 07, 2010 18:57

Been out pondering the meaning of life, or rather my life, checking in on my direction - recommitting to my priorities, working more in the techno-silent world of nature and the dogs she gives me. I've been hanging out with my kids, making up recipes, watching it rain, and taking more naps. I think everyone deserves a time-out once in a while and I took one. What I want to write about has changed because I've changed. I want to write about pit bulls, animal welfare, that state of government and corporate interest in continuing the outrageous euthanasia rate we have in our country. I can't pretend I don't see it. For now, I'm about using what small gifts I have to benefit the animals - I will write for them.

Which brings me to the story of Jagger. Jagger was a rescue I did in September 09 from the San Bernadino shelter. I adopted him to a nice family on Halloween. Six weeks later, they brought him back because the mom in the family came down with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Prior to leaving me, Jagger went to doggie day care and got kicked out for body slamming a beagle.

"Mrs. Fausone, you have to come get your dog and of course it's fine if you come RIGHT NOW."

I knew Jaggie had a big imagination and a knack for wrestling moves. What I didn't know is, he'd turn out to be the hardest dog I've ever had to train and the most insane animal I have ever had the misfortune to walk on a leash.

Jagger suffers from leash reactivity. This is a term used to describe dogs who may like other dogs, but who barks, lunges, squeals or in Jagger's case, jumps 5 feet in the air like he's trying out for Cirque du Soleil. Jagger can play with other dogs fine - he just can't take seeing other dogs on a sidewalk, in a car, or anywhere else. He yelps and hollers and goes hysterical. My neighbors already think I'm a kook. This is not helping.

I have him in special education at a local training center and we work on it every day. However, at this rate he will be eligible for adoption in 2015. I'm stuck with a dud.

Luckily for me, I love his guts out. He may be a loon, but he's my loon and I'm going to help him get better. One day at a time. I've learned a lot from Jagger - For example, he helped me realize how silly it is to try and teach a crazy dog how to run along side a bike. All it takes is one cat, me going straight and Jagger taking a hard left to enlighten this dog lady.

Then there was the time I'd got pork buns for my son and left the box in the car with Jagger - I ran into Starbucks for just a minute and when I returned, I saw two buns pinging off the back window like there was some serious handball going on in there.

I think I understand the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome thing a bit better, too. If any dog can give you this scourge, it's Jagger.

I shall overcome.

a do it yourself life

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