- The Package -

Jun 28, 2005 23:18

Wow.. you know i am amazed at how truly immature boys can be... yesterday was a very Liberating day for me... i put the past behind me and Im moved on.. Truly. Its a great feeling and im very proud of myself *gold star for Laura Danielle* Now Men.. there is a different story.. i read the story of a real mans life last nite.. and thats the type of guy i want.. not some sill immature boy who doesnt understand how precious life really is and how at any second it can be taken away.. so they keep screwing themselves over and you in the process.. over and over agian. Well not anymore.. not for me.. im through with guys like that.. who use you. Im ready for a Man. Im smiling right now and its because i feel free... this summer has been a real eye opening experience.. i think in a way me getting MDS was a blessing... the number one reason everyone prolly knows.. and we wont go there.. but getting to see miricles.. everyday walking and playing .. and getting to hear everyone’s story.. just makes you realize how Great your life is .. and how wonderful you have it. This summer as much as i miss my friends.. esp. my cousins.. and miss home.. being down here has changed me.. in the ways that i needed to change.. to grow up and become a woman instead of a girl. Im ready for that responsibitlity now.. and its a great one. Just think this time next year i will be living by myself in a condo in North Carolina..well with Popcorn of course... but still.. freedom.. i cant wait... its gonna be awsome! Life throws us curve balls.. but im gonna hit it out of the park anyways.. im not gonna sit back and let life pass me by.. and neither should you! Everyone has the potential to be Great.. you just have to take the opportunities presented to you. and use your gifts! Everyone has talent.. and hey if you dont think that you do.. go to Target ( i hear wal-mart's all sold-out .. LMao.. inside joke) anywhoo's .. Take chances... put your heart out there.. live life to the fullest.. you never know when it is gonna end.. so dont do things that your gonna regret.. but have a blast! Dont lie to people. Smile all the time. Know who you are. Be Amazing.. "Life is a bowl of cream.. all you gotta do is add some whip!*" - one of my crazy quotes.. lol.. i guess im just ready to go show the world how amazing i truly am! Im not a little girl anymore... im not little Danielle... im growing up.. and getting older.. where im gonna have to make decisions and people are gonna think that they are the wrong ones im sure.. and they might turn out that way... but they are my decisions to make.. and im gonna make them. Ive got alot on my mind right now.. and its just kinda all building up.. ive rambled on for long enough.. Im really happy tho.. and I havent even worked out yet... so thats a great sign! lol.. But im off to get ready to go down to the gym... *

Leave me some comments...pretty please* :)
Love yall bunchies!
<3 - Survivor

Chris- Man... you are amazing..you make me sooo happy! You are someone who has made a big impact on my life .. and i dont know how i can ever repay you.. You are a friend when i need someone to talk to... a comfortor.. you helped me pick up the peices of my broken heart and mend them together.. you are someone i can talk to .. someone i admire.. someone whos kindness and caring.. overcomes anything mean you say.. lol.. someone i can laugh and cry with.. just be myself..someone who makes me feel safe when im scared.. and comforted when im lonely.. Someone who will always be in my heart.. No matter where we go in life..I will always be with you in your heart if not in person. Im gonna be one of those rare people who say what they think.. You are one of the most amazing people in the world.. And don’t let anyone tell you different.. Don’t change the way you are.. Because you are perfect.. All your flaws are covered by your kindness and honesty.. And its that honesty that made me realize how I was getting played... I can never thank you enough. Im here for you always! If you ever need anything!...you’re the bestest.. LoL... not to mention you like such a Navy Hottie! *wink wink* You were right Navy is bettter! LoL... Cant wait to hear from you agian!*
-<3 Danielle
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