Dec 16, 2004 16:27
x Full Name: Laura Danielle Wampler
x Birthday: 06/12/88
x Zodiac: Gemini
x What time is it?: 4:27 PM
x What is the date?: 12/16/04
--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------
x School: WCCS
x Eyes: Brown
x Hair: Brown with Blonde and Red Highlights
x Height: 5'9"
x Shoe Size: 10*
x When is your bedtime? whenever I get ready to go to bed
--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------
x Cried: Yeah- Cindys wedding reahursal... awww... so sweet!
x Worn jeans: No
x Met someone new:Yeah... more than likely.... oh yeah... OMGoshie! lol
x Done laundry: Im doin some right now.. wowies
x Cursed: Prolly.. more than likely
x Watched a Movie: Yep!
x Went to the movies: Nope!
x Went shopping: Nope!
x Gotten sick: Yes... all that food... and well you know i just had to eat it!
x Been kissed: Nope... :( i miss him!
x Given a kiss: Nope.. not that i can think of!
x Lied: No doubt... well honestly i dont think so... WOW!
----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
x Missed school cause of weather: Yes... what kimd of question is that?
x Lit yourself on fire: NOpe... but i did joanna one tyme.. lol
x Kept a secret from everybody: Yep..sure have!
x Had an imaginary friend: LOGAN!!! wowies.. remeber him tab...kara... dave and joanna?
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: Sadly...yes
x Cried during a Movie? Of couse!
x Had crush on an teacher? CRACK! no... just kiddin... MR.Masters... no that is satanic... i dont think so! lmao
x Been on stage: Yes of couse!
x Cut your own hair: yes... dont do it... it turns out not so good!
x Seen a murder: No
x Wanted to have sex: hmmm* no comment...*
------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: Elizabeth Vanover
x First car: Toyota Camry
x First real break-up: Tommy and me... when i was 13...
x First self purchased album: Who knows
x First piercing/tattoo: ears when I was a lidl kid..
x First enemy: Drew Redman
x First failing grade: Band... a very Long... story
----------------------In the Last Week -------------------
x Been mean: Yeah LoL
x Been sarcastic: Does a wild bear play in the woods...? well not if he was in an isilm... but YEAH!
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: Yes!
x Hugged someone: Yes
x Fought with your parents: Yepperz
x Got in an argument with your best friend: NoPe*
x Laughed until you cried: Yep!
x Played Truth or Dare: NOpe* cant say that i have
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes this morning before i went to bed.. lmao
x Went to the beach at night: Nope
-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------
x Called you: *yayness*
x Slept in your bed: no comment... lmao
x Saw you cry: JOanna at the practice for cindys wedding
x Made you cry: People.... and lies
x Made you laugh: Travis... on the way home from the practice... and the old lady.. I luv ya man!
x You shared a drink with: Lisa and Logan today at the rehursal lunch
x You went to the movies with: *Him*
x Went to dinner with: Everone after the c-mas play at school
x Bought you something: Mom bought me socks... lmao
x Sent you an email: Stacey*
-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------
x Black or white?: Black
x TV or movie?: Depends...
x Cat or dog?: Popcorn.. otherwise... dogs
x Walmart or target?: Target.. i HATE wal-mart
x Spring or Fall?: Spring.. cause it means summer is comming!
x Sun or rain?: Sun
x What are you gonna do after this?: Wait the arrival of my neice and nephew
x What was the last meal you ate?: Beef on a cheeseburger
x High school or college?: COLLEGE! whoo hooo.. cant wait!
x Are you bored?: Not really but id say that moolate and xs have somthin to do with that!
x Last TV show you watched?: Gilmore Girls last nite on DVD! whoo hooo!
x Last movie you saw in theaters?: The Incredibles... dont ask! lol
x Last noise you heard?: the dryer
x Last smell you smelled?: i cant smell my nose is all foggy!
x Shampoo: Satinique
x Favorite color: Irridecent Pink
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Summer
x Favorite Cartoon Character: scooby doo
x Favorite Fast Food: Wendys... but not the one in wise! lol... or subway...
x Favorite Movies: A lot of different ones!
x Favorite sport: to watch : Basketball .. to play: Volleyball
---------------------What are You?-------------------------
x Wearing: black streachy pants and a elmo sweatshirt
x Thinking about: What i usually think about...
x Listening to: peacefulness
------------------------Have You Ever 2-----------------------
x Been to Canada?: NoPe
x Danced Naked?: Plead the 5th
x Skinny dipped?: Yeah what can i say?
x Stalked someone?: OMGOshie... yes.. i stalked travis 2day thorugh the hallowed halls of WCCS! how random is that? i was like "im stalking you" it was halarious!
x Snuck out?: hmm... i dont think so~
x Wished you were the opposite sex?: i really dont know... prolly!
------------------------ Random ----------------------------
x Are you bored?: NopE
x Are you lonely?: nope im talkin to tab on the internet! luv ya chicka!
x Are you happy?: All the time!
x Do you drink?: nah
x Who named you?: my mom and dad
x When was the last time you showered?: this mornin
x What color pants do you have on right now?: black
x What song are you listening to right now?: Nothin
x What color is your shirt?: Gray
x What is right next to you?: a wall
x What is your computer desk made of?: Wood.
x What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?:
x Are you eating anything?: Moolate...
x What did you do last night?: Everything...*
x How are you today?: great nothin is gonna get me down!
------------------------- Extras 2----------------------------
x What book are you reading now?: I dont read... lmao.. right joanna?
x Taken any illegal substances: Nope*
x Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yeah did yesterday to school LoL....
x Played ding-dong-ditch?: umm? i dont know waht that is?
x Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: Yes and... umm... yes.. lol
x Did something illegal?: lmao*
x Did you get caught?: umm.... nope!
x Gotten arrested?: NoPe
x Gotten a ticket for something?: Nope not yet....
---------------------Do You Believe In----------------------
x Yourself: Yeah
x Santa Claus: Not anymore.... :(
x Tooth Fairy: not anymore... :(
x Destiny/Fate: of course..
x Angels: Yes
x God: Yes
--------------------Friends and Life------------------------
x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: I dont know what to call him
x Do you like anyone?: Yes!
x What's the best feeling in the world: True friendship
x Worst Feeling: finding out that your frineds are nothin but liars
x Worst fear: Falling in love agian.. and gettin my heart broken... agian
x Time now: 4:57PM
x Last car ride: With Travis 2day.... i dont think that i will ever forget that!
x Last good cry: umm...last nite
x Last library book checked out: Nathnial Hawthorne's pocket thing or somthin like that... i didnt read it!
x Last beverage drank: XS
x Last cd played: Grits in travis' car
x Last thing bought: My moolate and travis' coke
x Last annoyance: Umm..stupid liars
x Last disappointment: people such as LIARS!
x Last time scolded: not in a while!
x Last shirt worn: cloud print shirt
x Last website visited: