Let's just start with saying, spoilers, obviously, and well, if you don't agree with me, fine. The 10 million people that have stopped watching since the beginning of this show do.
You drop in viewers every week. I know viewership numbers can lie, and that 8 million is still a lot of people watching (and yeah that doesn't account for the internet yeah yeah yeah). At this point, it's delusion and idiocy and craziness that leads to people getting addicted to you--I liken you to some sort of crystal meth that doesn't do any physical damage. Television crystal meth.
You are a poor excuse for a television show that's actually only a soap opera with a really convoluted setting. Long looks, let's not look in the box, you can't handle the truth, I loved you but that's not enough! You looked at her and that's why I want the bomb to go off! Hanging lanterns on obvious plot holes to somehow dismiss them...shame on you.
That said, I'm still mildly intrigued to find out what kind of demon god Locke has become. Of course, this development now implies that the power "the island" is different than the power "jacob" and that "the island" wanted jacob to die...since the island told ben to follow locke, and you'd think the island could tell who was shape-shifting. Of course, this is the same show that originally had Jacob as a spectre that asked Locke to help him. Yeah, just forget about that.
Yeah, let's just ignore the fact that Juliet fell to the bottom of a 200 ft shaft followed by crushing metal debris, tonnes and tonnes of it, FASTER THAN THE FUCKING SPEED OF GRAVITY. Not only is she FUCKING ALIVE, she's not in MIND-NUMBING PAIN (like my family right about then), but she grabs a rock, to detonate the bomb.
This is the bomb, made of a metal core, that FELL FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF GRAVITY ONTO ROCK FOLLOWED BY CRUSHING METAL DEBRIS. Yes, Juliet's banging, that was what made the bomb explode.
The only thing I liked about this episode was that there was a painting with a dog with a human arm. I want it. I don't know what it is, but I want it.
EDIT 2: Wants: