May 06, 2006 00:14
From #scheme just now:
Ah, Common Lisp - that bastion of baroquery.
And you know what they say: if it's not baroque, don't fix it!
* gnomon hides
I usually don't admit liking puns, but ... you're usually in favour of pun control?
* gnomon ducks and runs
i started a roman-numerals function a long time ago, but my research turned up many different and incompatible roman numeral systems
neilv, that sounds like a job for... optional keyword arguments!
* offby1 looks askance at gnomon
sounds like a job for many different procedures to me
surely there's a pun in there somewhere
<-- geckosenator quits (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
I'll be hornswaggled if I can find it, though.
you've let me down
I hang my head in shame, sir.
In my defense, I was helping a friend of mine compose a prime factorization in the form of a haiku at the time. Otherwise occupied.
* offby1 stares blankly