There's no more room for angels to dance/Or even stand upon this pin entangled . . .

Apr 16, 2012 19:07

So today was pretty much the worst day I’ve had in a workplace since I got vomited-upon by a bridesmaid and the kitchen had no food at a wedding reception. Today involved a grand total of 63 calls, being screamed at by 24 callers, cursed out by 7, my job threatened, my one coworker whining incessantly while providing zero help, and an entire new intake process to learn.

I am out of nice, I am out of words other than “double rum & coke, no lime”, and if I do not think about things other than work, I will kill people.

So I’m begging - PROMPTS. I will write at least a drabble for any fandom/pairing/scenario you want. Crossovers welcome, porn welcome, any and all sources you know we share.

fic, i can haz drink now?, is this real life?

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