Jan 13, 2007 18:46
Okay, so I love you all, because most of you have been ridiculously supportive of my annoying emo waaaahhgnst-fest last entry.
I am now an employee of Philly Musick Magazine - an intern, to be specific - but my job title is oh so shiny: Editorial Staff Writer!!!
It is quite possibly the best thing that's happened to me. I will be interning for no pay, but you won't catch me fetching coffee and faxing shit while the "real staffers" write and go to all the fun stuff. Oh no. I have ASSIGNMENTS already. I have my first deadline. I also am waiting to receive two extra-special shiny perks of my new job: business cards and a press pass.
That's right, I have business cards, bitches. I am a classy fucking broad.
And the press pass? Gets me into any event I want in Philly. Free. If it's a bar, they reimburse me (not for the booze, though). If it's a concert, they occasionally let you backstage. And you'd better freaking believe I'm gonna put this thing to use.
Yes, this internship, in combination with my full-time class schedule and the work-study job I'm applying for, will in all likelihood, drive me absolutely bonkers.
But what a way to go.
i win at life,
any intern jokes will get you killed,
is this real life?,
cause i'm awesome