Somarium Application | Schuldig

Sep 11, 2010 18:00

[Player name] Rose
[Age] 21
[Personal Journal] belial_levia
[Other characters currently played] N/A

[Character name] Schuldig
[Age] 22
[Canon] Weiss Kreuz
[Point in time taken from canon] End of Kapitel

[Background] As a member of the group Schwarz Schuldig was introduced as one of the bodyguards for the politician Reiji Takatori. Though for the most part he tends to follow his own schedule. The first of his little games comes in the form of Reiji's daughter, Ouka, and the youngest member of Weiss, Omi. Seeing that there was obviously something going on between the two of them and yet they didn't even realize they were brother and sister Schuldig found it the perfect opportunity to have some fun.

It started out with dropping hints to Ouka that Omi was dangerous and she shouldn't get anywhere near him if she wanted to stay safe. On the other side he threatened Omi he would tell her everything about Weiss to make her fear and despise him. His little tactics seemed to work as Ouka and Omi both began to get filled with doubt. To make things even more amusing for him he enlisted the help of Nagi to combine two pictures of Omi and Reiji, making it look as though they were talking and being friendly with each other.

Because of course with Omi wandering off to see Ouka and not telling them, there was room for doubt there as well. His final play involved kidnapping Ouka and then sending a message to Weiss saying that Omi was a traitor and then sending a message to Omi saying that Weiss were planning to kill Ouka. Things didn't go quite as planned and in the end, Ouka ended up dying instead of Omi. While he had his fun, the beating with the golf club from Reiji that resulted from it ruined what amusement he had gotten.

A while after Reiji was dead and gone Schuldig took on a more important role. He began working behind the scenes, convincing cults of people to commit crimes to 'purge society of it's evil' for the good of the world. When questioned he merely states that all it takes is peeling off the very thin layer of reason in a person's mind. Though things like that don't keep him amused for very long and it was a little while after those incidents he started up another game of his own.

This time he noticed that a girl named Sakura had fallen in love with the leader of Weiss. It was easy enough with her, since she already knew about them being assassins. All he had to do was approach the girl and tell her that he was a friend of Aya's, and had noticed him acting strange recently. She was doubtful, but fell for his trap anyways. In the end, he controlled her mind and had her shoot Aya. Though not a kill shot, it still managed to cause some damage. After that it no longer became his game and instead the girl was used to further Crawford's plans to take down Esset and destroy the world themselves.

Not much is known about Schuldig's past, not even his real name. There's hints it wasn't pleasant, much like the rest of Schwartz, as the meaning behind his name is 'Guilty' and the fact that he too wishes for the entire world to crumble around them. It was also implied that Schuldig was trained by the group RosenKreuz that handled brutal training to turn psychics into assassins.

[Personality] To say that Schuldig is a bit of a sadist would be an understatement. The telepath loves playing games with people in his spare time. He takes a fair amount of pleasure and joy from using others as toys in his little games. He looks into the minds of others to find their weaknesses and once he has hold on them he exploits them to the best of his abilities. Turning friends against one another, putting doubt in lovers and even turning entire groups of people against the general population brings him much amusement. This blatant sadism is probably linked to the fact that he hates humanity in general, just as all of Schwartz does.

Their major goal was complete and absolute destruction, wanting to watch humanity destroy itself from the inside out. Schuldig was more than happy to help make this happen as he slowly peeled away the bits of reason and logic that lay on the surface of everyone's minds. Because of course when he wasn't outwardly manipulating people using what he knew about them against them he was inside them, pushing them to do the job for him.

Schu's also not really one for authority either as one of his little games involved Reiji Takatori's own daughter even though Schwartz's main mission at the time was as Takatori's bodyguards. Despite the possible consequences he went on with his plans and ended up getting the girl killed in the end. Of course, he showed no remorse for the accident at all aside from annoyance at Reiji for beating him and Farfarello with a golf club for the little incident.

On top of his sadistic tendencies he's also shown to be the fairly laid back one of the group. He doesn't care much for professionalism like Crawford does or hold any personal vendettas like Nagi and Farfarello do. He seems to be in it for the fun of seeing the world and people around crumble to bits. Most of his goals and plans he describes as having a bit of 'fun.' Though another part of his personality is his arrogance. Schuldig thinks rather highly of himself and bows down to no one but Brad Crawford, whom seems to be the only one he holds a bit of respect for. But the reasoning behind it is never really stated.

[Abilities] Schuldig's a very powerful telepath, able to not only get into the deepest parts of someone's mind but with enough work able to control their body movements against their will if they have a weak enough mind. Since others in Somarium aren't exactly 'normal' people, I'll put up a permissions post to see if the character has mental shields, consciously or not, how strong they are if they're there, whether or not he'd be allowed to hear their surface thoughts or deeper thoughts and things of the like.

On top of the telepathy, Schuldig also possesses unnatural speed at times.

[Other important stuff]

[Sample post]
[First Person]

- If you could destroy a city, how would you do it?

Well now that one's quite simple, isn't it? I'd let them destroy themselves. The human psyche is rather fragile and leaning towards destruction as it is. It's just a simple matter of carefully pulling away those tiny bits of logic that restrain a person from doing what they truely want.

- You discover someone stalking you. Do you call the police or deal with it yourself?

I'd be amused if anything. Just pretend they aren't there for a while to see what they want from me.

- Would you consider yourself a hero or a villain? Why? Neither is an option as well, but still tell why.

Can anyone really determine what makes a hero or a villain? Perhaps society has it wrong. A man who is thought of as a villain could consider himself a hero just as someone who is thought to be a hero could be the most dangerous piece of filth in the world. It's really all a matter of perception. There's no such thing as heroes and villains in this world. Though if we're talking by society standands, the fact that I'm a murderer would make me a villain, now wouldn't it?

- Your country is in the middle of a war. What do you think of it? Do you support it or try to solve it yourself by going on an epic quest? Explain.

I wouldn't be surprised. Murder and conflict is part of the human instincts after all and isn't that exactly what war is about? But for all it's worth, I'd find amusement in people throwing their lives away for whatever pathetic reasoning they're giving to hide the animalistic urge to simple take the life from as many others as they can.

- You are a given a mission. Would you complete it effectively or would you goof off and do something else? Expand a little on the response.

Depends on how interesting the mission details are to be honest. If Crawford has a say in it I might be forced to comply but personally I only take up things that interest me. If I can't have a little fun while I'm at it, I won't even bother.

- Murder. What is your opinion?

It's a basic human instict of course. Why bother fighting against something we were made to do?

- You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?

A target always comes first. If an ally gets caught up in the mess, that's their own problem.

- Do you prefer the city or living out in the country? Why?

Well that depends on how I'm feeling at the time. The city is full of life, always something new and interesting to do. I'd get too bored out in the country, but it'd be a nice vacation. Fewer people means less thoughts to sort through after all.

- If I offered to save your soul for a price, would you go with it and why?

[He just laughs at that question.]

[Third Person]

A small buzzing. That's all it was at first. Just a simple white noise that fading into the background. His hand twitched, his eyes slowly opened and he forced his mind into coherency. Seeming all at once the buzz turned to murmurs which turned into conversations and eventually it was like an entire room full of people. Panicking, lovestruck, confused, working out problems... All of them, loud and perfectly clear to his ears. But it didn't bother him. No, it was just another day.

With a yawn Schuldig pushed himself up and off of the bed, a hand raising to his head to fix his hair as he made his way downstairs. Just like every other morning, this one was going to be hell. Waking up around Christmas time really was a pain in the ass. Such a major conflict between joy and depression going through his mind all the time... It really did get old after a while. But just as he did every other year, he'd put a bit more strength on his shields to block out what he didn't need. Which with how slow business had been recently, was pretty much everything.

Laying low was a pain in the ass and no fun. He had thought that when Esset was taken out things would finally start to get interesting. Though much to his disappointment it was the exact opposite. They failed to cause world chaos as they had hoped, the kitty cats managed to get away and now here they were, stuck in hiding waiting to make a move. If it was up to him they would have simply moved on to another place and tried again but no, Brad never listened to him. He had a plan, he knew the plan would work and he wouldn't allow any of them a word in edgewise.

Speaking of oh-fearless-leader, Schuldig noticed the man must have been awake when he walked into the kitchen and saw the coffee pot almost completely empty. Of course. The precog who so enjoyed waking up at the crack of dawn couldn't be bothered to save any for those who appreciated curling up under the blankets in these cold winter months. Knowing that Nagi was probably off to school Schuldig was stuck fending for himself this morning. He stared at the pot for a little while longer before deciding on a more lazy plan of action. Going out for coffee and a snack sounded better anyways. He'd get to go for a drive and get out of this stuffy house for a while. Not to mention there was sure to be someone out there to get some entertainment from. Just because they had to keep low didn't mean he couldn't have a little bit of fun now and then, despite Crawford's orders. There was absolutely nothing that could go wrong with it.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] It looks like a lot of fun honestly, as simple as that. Plus I've been looking for a place to put Schu aside from his other home for a while now and when I saw the ad on ATP I figured it wouldn't hurt to look into and I made up my mind it could be interesting to put him there.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] No meta-gaming. Huge pet peeve of mine, I actually dropped a game in the past because the mods ignored someone who was using thier own knowledge to make their character seem more aware of information they shouldn't have been able to know but convienently found out from a 'pamphlet' that was laying around.
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] App this plz
[Any questions?]
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