The 10 Real Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Lovers.
I see friends sprinkled here and there. And I definitely see myself in a few of these. Not all of them, but a few. Does that make me a pseudo-geek? Or a pseudo-normal? Not sure. Not sure it matters either. Just wondering.
There is a drawback that I don't see here: geeks can also sometimes get SO attached to their gadgets and computers that they forget their bf/gf is there. That's happened to me before in the past. Let me tell you, it's no fun to sit back and watch your geek half Mac off without you. I remember entertaining the idea of introducing his Mac to my baseball bat. They never did meet, but ugly rumors about each flew around the house. Ha ha...Seriously, though, I refuse to play second fiddle to a computer.
And I was talking about this with a friend last month: laptops do NOT belong in bed IMHO. I view that as a major invasion of my bed space. Bed space is sacred. No computers allowed. Electronics, yes. *wink* Computers, no.