random post # 4

Sep 29, 2010 22:30

yep...another random LONG post about my recent flailings and opinions about stuff...:D

At long last I am writing this journal not because I can't fall asleep, but because I really want to write one. hee...XD Today was such a miracle since only one came among the 3 scheduled patients for me today. Because of that I was one VERY bored Physical Therapy intern at the rehab and spent my afternoon sleeping and chit chatting with fellow interns. Yes. Very productive right? haha..:D

Lately, I have been watching Matsumoto Jun's drama "Natsu no koi wa niijiro ni kagayaku" and I spotted this one cute Johnny's junior that I think I will be watching over until he debuts. This kid's name is Inoue Mizuki. He is from Snow Prince Gasshoudan and when I see him in the drama there is just something in his aura that makes me think that he'll do well when he grows up (it's just me though..haha). The other girl named Umi was uber cute too~ So last weekend I was browsing through youtube and found this video:

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Poor Nakai. None of the kids made him as their admired senpai. :D I was really pleased during 2:11. When the kid said "yamada-kun" I was one of those girls squeaking. bwahahaha...:) Somehow, I was also happy that some of these kids said that they admired Takizawa Hideaki, Yamapi, Tegoshi and Kame. They surely are admiring the right people....hihi...^ ^ The one Inoue admires is Yuma in which I am also glad to hear too. :D

I have also watched Ikuta Toma's CM again last weekend. Toma bringing the kettle was a bit weird but he was still handsome all the same. ^

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Up until now, I am still baffled as to why Johnny-san never gave him a permanent group. He is doing very well on his own though but sometimes I just can't help but wonder. :)

Out of boredom last week, I also took a few snapshots from my VLC media player and got these pictures:

I <3 how Yabu's eyes turn into an inverted U when he smiles...:)

JUMP! ^ ^ (yabu really jumps high ne?)

took this one since I was thinking Yabu was really cute here. (he looks like a girl flirting with hika...XD)

inoo and daiki <3

I always love Inoo and Yabu together. <3

Yuto and his drums!!! gaaah! I absolutely loved their performance at SC... :D

yamada looks like a cute mad hamster here ne? *bricked* I always see that guy at his right during the livestages, I wonder who he is...(he looks just like one of my ex-crushes at school. hee. XD)

a clearer view of the guy...:)

Nakaken's smile is absolutely adorable. I was glad to see him in JUMP's DVD. XD

i took this one because yama-chan's smile here is really so cute and innocent. ^ ^

my ichi-ban and ni-ban in 1 pic! :D

hurray for JUMP! :D ganbare~
Speaking of JUMP, I was very happy to see the 2010 TEN JUMP DVD. While watching it, I was just all smiles and if I had to enumerate all the good scenes in it, it would take me forever to finish it. Waaaaah~ I was giggling and screaming as if I was in the concert too. I flailed a lot when Yamachii did a flying kiss to the audience...and I liked that it had so many backstage footages for both BEST and 7...LOL. XD

I am excited for NYC's PV that is said to be shot from New York. :) Although it is not as catchy as 100% Yuuki but like they say, you will start to like it a bit more if you listen to it the second time.

The news about newshfan deleting her journal too shocked me and at the same time made me feel sad. I have watched so many Japanese videos and understood them because of her. In fact it was her journal that I was first subscribed to when I was still new to JE. She is indeed a great loss to the fandom. Hope she is okay wherever she is now...:(

Currently, I am making no progress with my online Japanese language lessons. I haven't even learned the days of the week in Japanese yet. I should catch up soon if I am not too lazy or too busy. :)

That is all for my random post for today. It was rather long again huh? till my next post...jaa ne~ ^ ^

nyc, ikuta toma, hey say jump!, snow prince gasshoudan, inoue mizuki

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