The Perfect Dark

Mar 01, 2010 23:19

The amount of devastation was simply incredible.

Kakashi stood before the village gates. His mouth was dry, and eyes and body stiff from traveling two days straight without rest. A cold shock gripped his chest, making all other forms of thought impossible. He felt like a survivor from a shipwreck, freshly washed on to shore, and desperately clinging on to any shred of hope as his gaze lingered over the debris.

Tall buildings that once lined up the streets in neat rows had been blown aside like match-sticks. Trees that once grew in the surrounding forest had been uprooted and tossed to the ground so that the green canopies formed new foliage. It was a jungle. Chaos incarnate. Long scratches gouged the ground, and former cement walls crumbled away into rubble. Splinters and strong support columns piled the streets.

Each pathway was blocked by remaining wreckage so thick, that Kakashi could not see past a hundred feet in any direction. He had heard that a powerful storm hit the village, but he never imagined the resulting destruction would be so complete. It was bad… perhaps even worse than the catastrophe laid out by Pein five years ago.

The landscape he once knew was wiped away entirely. This was no longer any village he recognized, but rather the face of the untamed wild. If it weren’t for the remains of structures that marked familiar paths, he would have been completely lost.

But beneath the pain and shock… there was a small hint of life. A feeling of calm permeated the land that could not be stamped out by the storm’s destructive rage. The airy breeze that rattled through the leaves offered some measure of comfort. There was the sound of voices as people called out to each other in order to work and clean up the wreckage.

Far-off birds filled the air with their music, and the warm sun shining gently through the sky reminded Kakashi that all was not lost. It was the calm after the storm. A bit of his old home still remained. Despite the chaos and devastation unleashed unto the village there were still some things that simply could not be changed. The sun felt so good on his neck.

Kakashi sighed. Then stuffing his hands in his pockets, stepped forward to begin his search for the Hokage’s tower… led by the airy melodies of sound that represented life.


Tsunade knew her time was drawing near. Like how a bright sun made its cycle through the sky, blazed the world with heat, then dipped into the shadows again… her time in the world was slipping away.

The older woman could feel it with every nightfall, when listening to the sweet crickets chirp at night, or hearing the soft wind. A cold would creep into her bones that not even the warm smile of her apprentice could chase away. The darkness would wrap icy fingers over her shoulders like a shawl.

Her power was going. It was not so drastic that it affected her everyday life, but her strength also could not compare to the glory of her past. In comparison to her old self, she appeared faded and withered now. Each decision and burden weighed heavily on her heart. Each day, her outlook on life became just a little bit dimmer.

Sakura would give her smiles. Bittersweet in its youth and innocence. She could see her master was struggling, but never fully understand why. The woman knew this was because she could never look bad in Sakura’s eyes. Her apprentice looked up to her with unfailing admiration, and blithely glossed over any faults.

Tsunade thought this view of the world was very kind, and enjoyed the thought that she would always appear complete and unblemished to Sakura, but also recognized the dangers of the situation. Glossing over faults did not make them disappear.

Such innocence. Sometimes, she truly feared for Sakura’s future.

Tsunade gazed out the wide windows of the office, viewing the destruction below. The Hokage’s tower lay in the center of the village. The surrounding districts worked as a buffer to take the brunt of the storm’s damage so the tower remained mostly unscathed, but this did not soothe the unease and worry that plagued Tsunade’s mind. If possible, she would have traded the well-being of the tower areas for the well-being of the housing areas instead.

There was so much work to be done.

So many people to be relocated… so much damaged to be cleaned… so many workers, building resources, and money to be organized and brought in… then plans for reconstruction that needed to be put into motion…

“Shishou?” Sakura prompted gently.

Ah, Sakura… the girl was both beautiful and strong. More knowledgeable in the ways of medical jutsu and chakra use than any other person in the village, and quite possibly the known shinobi world. A true legacy to Tsunade’s name. The older woman wondered at times if Sakura could even begin to appreciate or understand the magnitude of her worth.

Tsunade let out a heavy sigh. “I heard what you said.”

Sakura twisted her hands nervously. “Then… you’re not upset?”

Her green eyes looked too bright and hopeful at that moment. Tsunade had to keep her gaze fixed on the destruction below.

“I said I heard what you said,” Tsunade replied evenly. “That doesn’t mean I approve.”

Sakura opened her mouth as if to protest before a knock on the door interrupted.

Sakura brightened up instantly, pink hair swaying as she whipped her head up, and whole body turning to face the entrance. Tsunade noticed it all with a sick twist in her stomach. Then in the next moment… Kakashi appeared.

“Hokage-sama,” he said respectfully. His gaze briefly flickered to Sakura; eyes lingering longer than they should. He was haggard and care-worn from his mission and travel, but Sakura bumbled nearby taking no note of his faults.

Tsunade only scowled at the exchange. Sudden waves of displeasure radiated from her being, which made the other two shinobi in the room pause and glance up as their survival instincts kicked into high alert.

Sakura smartly took cue from her master.

Sakura offered Kakashi one last smile, tucking a strand of pink hair behind her ear, then left the room - taking a bit of sunshine and warmth with her as she shut the door.

Tsunade stewed a little longer in her anger. “Sakura told me some interesting news just now.”

Kakashi remained unmoved. “News…?”

“That you intend to marry her?”

“Ah.” His voice cracked from dryness.

“I take it that this wasn’t an overnight decision,” The older woman said dryly, irked by the fact that her apprentice and best jounin had somehow been fooling around behind her back. “She was very excited. Apparently there are big plans in the works.”

“I have every intention of making her happy.”

“Really.” Tsunade said, unconvinced. “You realize that Sakura is like a daughter to me. I’m won’t just let her get married on a whim.”

“With all due respect, Hokage-sama,” Kakashi said coolly, “Sakura is an adult capable of making her own decision. Whether we get married or not is choice that’s solely between Sakura and myself.”

Tsunade snapped. A hint of her notorious temper breaking forth. “Sakura is young… she’s never dated before, been with a man before… And you! What are you thinking? Charming her all nicely with smiles then sweeping her up like a---”

A loud crack from outside caught their attention. It was the sound of a tree toppling over and crashing into the ground below. Vibrations from the fall swept all the way up the tower and under their feet. Tsunade pinched the bridge of her nose then waved a dismissive hand.

“Enough of that,” she said with a heated sigh. “I have a mission for you.”

“You’re going to get rid of me by sending me off on a suicidal S-rank mission?” Kakashi guessed.

“No. I want you to rebuild the village.”

A long and tense silence filled the air.


“As our top-ranking jounin you are the most qualified to give out orders and organize the task-force necessary for this reconstruction. I fully expect you to take the lead and rebuild the village to an equal… no… even greater state than it was before. ”

Kakashi gave a decided grimace, but wisely remained silent at the enormous task suddenly being placed upon him. It had been days since he last slept properly. Fatigue ate away his bones.

“I’m giving you full access to the village records and granting you the authority to pull as many shinobi necessary to complete the task. I want you interacting with the civilians, and throwing your weight around as much as possible in order to get the work done.”

“If I’m made solely responsible for organizing the reconstruction, then what will you be doing?” Kakashi asked quietly.

“I’ll be reviewing your decisions.”

“Reviewing…” he repeated.

Tsunade let out a meaningful sigh. “I can’t stress enough the importance of this task for you. This goes beyond just making the housing districts a habitable place again. What I’m trying to do here is prepare you for something greater... something far more important.”

“You’re testing me.”

“I’m going to make you work for this, Kakashi. Harder than you ever have in your life. Prove to me that you want this, and that you’re serious about your duty to the village… Then we will talk again.”

Tsunade pinned the jounin down with a serious gaze. In that moment she appeared old and almost fragile. Brown eyes full of an unfathomable sadness. A bright sun fading away.

And in that moment, Kakashi truly understood.


Sakura woke up with a start.

This time it was not to the sound of howling winds that awoke her, as like the storm three days before. That night Sakura was convinced the world was coming to an end, and fear struck her heart as the elements raged all around. All she could do at the time was wrap a blanket about her and jutsu her way to the village’s nearest shelter, as she fearfully fretted for the safety of her former sensei. She knew that he was outside the village, and wasn’t sure if he would have walls to protect him.

No, what woke her up this time was not a nightmarish gale. Instead…

Memories of her dream danced around her consciousness, and her heart ached with a pain she could not describe. It was deep and longing, and pulled at her chest in the strangest way.

She had visions. Flashes of silver glimpsed through the trees, with rays of sunlight making all sight impossible. Sakura only knew of the brightness. The motion of the leaves as the sweet breeze that passed by, and that feeling of longing in her heart.

She had a humble desire. A simple wish that surely Fate or nature would be willing to grant. She only asked for one thing… one man… and longed for no other. She did not ask for kings, or riches. She did not seek power or wealth.

The only person she wanted was exceedingly humble. Perhaps a little beat-up, and torn around the edges, but nonetheless good in Sakura’s eyes. He was the only one she wanted.

Sakura rolled to her side. Dreams of Kakashi always left her wide awake, as she dwelled on the memories. Each vision replayed through her head. Gentle thoughts gave her hope.

It really was such a humble wish.


Sakura was the strongest kunoichi in the village. Possibly the world. Kakashi knew that she was more than capable of hauling the logs into a pile with just the ends of her fingers. Where other shinobi struggled to carry the heavy beams, Sakura could do so with great ease.

Yet, some unreasonable, completely illogical side of Kakashi also knew…

…that he would rather crack his sinews and break his back then have Sakura burdened with such a task.

It was an unreasonable thought that defied all understanding. It made sense for Sakura to carry out the heavy physical tasks that others could not, but watching her haul the logs away created a strange twist in Kakashi’s stomach. A sort of guilt and frustration that he could not take this task away from her without raising a few eyebrows for showing favoritism… or incurring Sakura’s wrath, for what she would interpret as a slight towards her strength.

It had nothing to do with her abilities, or of Kakashi’s belief in them.

It only had to do with this sudden strong and overwhelming desire to see Sakura completely carefree. For her hands not to be scratched by splinters, or for her body to feel the drain of chakra as she relied on her strength to complete the tasks.

Oh, how he would break his back a thousand times over for her.

Her pink hair moved with her as she moved to carry another log. She was so beautiful. Almost unearthly, and most certainly… the sweetest sight that he had ever or would see. It was impossible to describe the immense relief he felt upon seeing her in the Hokage’s office when he first arrived back in the village.

It seemed that just one glimpse cut through whatever stress or worry he felt at the moment. All the fears for the village swept away upon seeing those familiar green eyes, and his heart felt easy once more.

She had somehow made it through the wild storm, for which Kakashi was eternally grateful. Oh, how she meant so much to him.

Kakashi released his grip on the heavy beam, letting it fall into the pile of debris. The wood inside was rotted out and unusable. With the lingering dampness from the flood, he feared that salvaging good beams for reuse would produce only a scant resource.

“Take a break, boys,” he said. Kiba and Chouji who had been helping him clean up his area gave hearty salutes then ran off in great cheer. No doubt to scrounge up meals for lunch.

Once they were out of sight, Kakashi took a seat on top of a nearby log with a low groan. His muscles protested the sudden movement, then quieted again once he rested his arms to his knees. As he gathered his thoughts, his stomach gave a rumble.

They had been working all day in this area. Kakashi had broken up the workers into small teams and had them cleaning up any reaming debris around what was once the marketing district of the village. Just a distance away he could see the tree line of the forest. So close that he could smell the damp mulch from the forest floor, and hear the bird calls from deep within. They were noisy as they eagerly snapped up bugs and worms overturned by the storm.

There was a snap of twigs and Kakashi tensed up, realizing he was no longer alone.

There was a bitten-back curse as Sakura pulled her snagged skirt away from out jutting pile of debris. Kakashi turned just in time to see her flustered look smooth back into a small smile.

“Tired, sensei?” she asked.

Kakashi quirked back a small smile.

Talking with Sakura always made hard work pleasant. She made everything in his life worth-while, it seemed. Suddenly, he felt light and carefree.

“Hello, Sakura.” He took her proffered hands, letting his gaze drift over their scratches.

Her mouth tugged down in a worried frown. “This really isn’t fair.”

“What’s not fair?” Kakashi asked smoothly.

“What Tsunade-sama is making you do…”

“Making her top-jounin take over the work of rebuilding the village is not fair?” He ran a thumb over her knuckles to stroke the smooth skin. Sakura tightened her grip about his hands.

“I don’t see other jounin doing what you’re doing. Making a single person carry the whole burden of organizing the reconstruction is too much,” she said firmly. “Only one person village should have that sort of say, and that person is…”

“…the Hokage,” Kakashi finished for her.

Sakura peered down at him with serious green eyes. “Do you think…?”

“Yes. She’s testing me. I’m probably up for evaluation.”

A soft sound of wonder left her lips. Kakashi just wanted to kiss her in that instant, but that feeling instantly changed when he saw Sakura’s look of surprise change into a look of despair.

“The Hokage is the only official in the village not allowed to marry,” she said in a hushed whisper.

“They made an exception for the Fourth, why can’t they make an exception for us?”

“Kakashi, you know that’s not how it works. A Hokage with a family is too much liability. Just looking at what resulted from the last exception… the Fourth ended up sealing the Kyuubi into Naruto… his son.”

Kakashi shook his head. “Sakura, I don’t care about being Hokage. If it meant I couldn’t enjoy being with you then I would drop everything in less than a heartbeat.”

“Don’t say that,” her voice went shaky. “Don’t ever say something like that. The village needs you.”

“And I need you,” Kakashi said firmly. He pulled her forward, then tenderly nuzzled his nose against her neck to breathe in her heady scent. “Would you still take me even if I weren’t to become the Hokage?”

“Of course,” Sakura said. “That’s not even a matter of question.”

“What about if I were a complete outcast, stripped of my shinobi rank and made lower than a civilian?”

“Rank doesn’t matter to me.”

“Then what if I were thrown out of the village, and forced to wander aimlessly like a crazed hermit and steal food from hapless victims in order to survive…”

“Then I would chase after you,” She said smiling. “Even across the country, across the ocean... I would follow you anywhere.” She playfully let her fingers dance around the edge of his mask, then pulled down to brush her lips against his in a teasing kiss. “But you can’t steal the food. I would make you catch rabbits instead.”

“You would be willing to live off a diet of only rabbits?”

“As long as I could be with you.”

“A woman after my own heart,” Kakashi murmured, he let his hands brush along her sides and rest on her hips. “Well, you’re lucky I don’t plan on being banned from the village anytime soon.”

They grinned at each other foolishly.

“Kakashi…” she whispered.


She pressed her forehead to his. “Please, don’t give up the position of Hokage just yet.”


He would do anything for Sakura. Even if it meant two more months of endless work and exhaustion. As long as she was nearby, he could find his happiness there.


The next eight weeks went by in grueling work. Some days ground out so slowly that Kakashi could feel each painful second tick pass by as the hot sun glared from above, and the noisy wind whistled through the air. He would have to deal with hot-headed shinobi and workers, organize task-forces, calculate the resources needed to ship in and send out to the field, and then physically labor away at the construction so that the workers would not feel isolated.

It was frustrating work. Physically and mentally draining. More demanding than anything he had ever done in his life… and that included training Team Seven, which within itself was perhaps one of the most challenging thing a person could ever do.

But then there would come that inevitable moment when he would run into Sakura - sometimes days at a time would pass between these intervals - and then all of his past frustrations would evaporate in an instant. Even weeks later, still seeing that small, wondrous smile held a charm for the jounin, and made the days pleasant.

It was not long before others began to understand that he was in charge, and followed his orders without question. Anything to avoid the heat of his temper, which Kakashi was increasingly surprised to discover he had. They both feared and respected him.

And every shinobi seemed to understand that Kakashi’s place in running the operation was no ordinary occurrence. Even those that Kakashi once considered his friends and equals treated him with a little more deference. Even Naruto would give him forlorn looks, knowing what this special signaling out must have meant, and answer back to his orders with a little too much fire when they talked.

The only person who treated the same, it seemed, was Sakura.

On the eve of the day of completion, Kakashi urged his young love to follow him up the Hokage Mountain.

There were still many buildings that needed to put up, and the reconstruction was still a far-cry from being fully finished, but at least the housing and marketing distracts were intact, and a solid foundation for the rest had been laid down.

Besides, there was only so much Kakashi could force out of the Mokuton user Tenzo. The rest of the buildings had to be constructed by hand the old-fashioned way.

It was night time. A lone paper moon hung in distance like a round stomach, and the black sky captured each twinkling star, much like fireflies glued to velvet.

It was like the beginning and end of time. There was primordial loveliness to the world. With the crickets singing sweetly among the green grass, and the tall trees below reaching out and stretching their green hands to the sky. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, and through the quiet almost sounded like the faint echoes of a celestial song. The harmonious feeling that was origin to all things good.

Everything was so close, and yet out of reach. Heaven and earth within their grasp.

Kakashi wrapped an arm around Sakura in a close embrace as they sat on top of the rock face. Weariness from the months before faded away. He whispered sweet-nothings in her ear, and pointed out the many things they had built, showing her the future of what they could have.

Down by the outskirts of the village were the rice fields. Young green sprouts poked out of the clear glassy water, in endless rows, far as the eye could see. The village had fields before the reconstruction, but none as expansive as this. Farmers could enter their home now and civilians had another source of food and income by sell and trade. They had plenty of grains now to sustain Konoha even through the harsh times.

Then farther along the edge of the fields was a water mill. The wheel turned in a slow and steady pace as the flow of water pushed it on. It was something new that the people had not seen before, but Kakashi was familiar with from his travels and missions in far-off lands. They did not necessarily need this method of polishing rice, but he liked the aesthetic affect of watching and hearing the wheel go round, and Sakura agreed. Having the new mill was a sign of plenty and prosperity.

Then came the new building structures, each one looking so fresh and new that there was almost a shine to the wood, and a definite clean-cut appearance to the districts. People could be seen below walking in and out of the buildings. There were new roads too, paved by stone, which was so much better to walk on after a rain than the dirt-paths the village once had.

Sakura rested her head on Kakashi’s shoulder, both finding respite in this small moment. Like two lovers on the eve of their betrothal, they lingered in the unending night - more wondrous in its natural beauty than any genjutsu could cast - and enjoyed each other’s company.

The Hokage candidate was brought down low in this moment. A new sun about to rise and burn up the Konoha air with blazing heat, and beside him a woman more beautiful than any of the celestial bodies that graced the night sky. They were both at the height of their power, in the glory of their prime, and about to reach out for something even more.

But such exciting things were destined for tomorrow… when they would have the battle of their lives as Kakashi accepted the nomination for Hokage. They would cling to each other as they forged their way into this new world they had created, and work together as they steered the future of Konoha. Forever giving themselves over for the other in a mutual and lasting surrender of love. Until that time arrived, they simply embraced each other and gazed out at the wonderful view.

And rested in the perfect dark.

I would not wish
Any companion in the world but you,
Nor can imagination form a shape
Besides yourself to like of. (III. i. 54-56)

shakes!fic, challenge, kakasaku

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