Konoha Zoo

Jan 03, 2012 15:51

Title: Konoha Zoo
Word Count: 3,400
Rating: T


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I don’t get this mission.

It’s not a mission.

Kakashi-sensei... are you saying...?! (O_O)

That’s right, Naruto. We’re going to the zoo.

We don’t have to wash the animals or shovel the poop, do we?

No, Sasuke. It’s not a trap.

Really? Because the last time we went somewhere under the pretense of a vacation, we ended up dredging the river for trash and litter.


(0///=)  *mysterious*

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(>_<)      (>_<)    //(>_<)\\

Sakura had a nagging suspicion that perhaps it secretly was mission, and that they were being tricked into unpleasant D-class dirty work. The entrance of Konoha Zoo loomed above them.

The stone and iron gates gave off an ominous vibe. But when Kakashi went up to the ticket counter, pulled out a wallet, and purchased four passes for the team, she relaxed. Maybe there really wouldn’t be any poop-shoveling today. (^_^)

That’s rather generous of you, Sensei. <3

He ruffled her hair as he passed by.

Sakura thought that she could understand his intentions. She, personally, had been to the Konoha Zoo multiple times as a child. However with two orphans on their team, she couldn’t say the same for the other two. She wondered if they had ever been to the zoo at all.

Maybe somewhere in Kakashi’s black, shriveled heart he felt pity.

Naruto was beyond ecstatic.


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It was Sakura’s job to make sure Naruto didn’t jump into the lion’s pit. Kakashi told her as much when they walked through the entrance.

Make sure Naruto doesn’t jump into the lion’s pit, alright?

She didn’t think that was very fair, but also thought it would take more than lions to destroy the Nine-tailed demon fox container. So she didn’t worry about it too much.

Kakashi left them to their own devices as soon as they entered.

Aren’t you going to walk around with us? I thought the purpose of this was to be a team-bonding activity.

*shrug* Yeah. The point is for the three of you to do the bonding.


Don’t give that look. Besides, I’ll be right over there reading if you need anything.

Code words for: If Naruto does something stupid or life-threatening come get me. Otherwise, I don’t want to spend the day babysitting the three of you.

You don’t want to see the animals? You have no interest at all?

I’ve seen them all before.

Well, so have I...!!

Sakura, don’t argue with me. Please? Now run along and spend time with your team-mates.

There’s a new hermaphrodite armadillo exhibit here. It looks pretty cool.

Then you can go look at it with Naruto and Sasuke.


Just be glad you’re not shoveling poop. *hair ruffle*


Kakashi walked away, book in hand, down one of the zoo’s many meandering paths. Then just like that... they were on their own.

Naruto spent most of the day running around to each exhibit and shouting about all the things he found impressive. Which for Naruto, was just about everything.

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OMG. Did you see the tail on that alligator? That would be awesome if people had tails, too.

No. That would be terrible.

Can you just imagine? If we saw these in the wild, we would probably have to wrestle them with our bare hands. You know, to secure our campsite.

That’s stupid. We have weapons and jutsus... why would we be camping in a swamp anyway?

You never know.

Naruto said in a very knowing manner. Though Sakura could have argued and shot down the idea ten different ways, she didn’t. Because the conversation would continue ad naseum, with some slight variation on the traits people should have, for all the exhibits.

Sasuke on the other hand seemed more concerned about the conservation status of each animal. He leaned down and looked at signs. From time to time Sakura heard him mutter the words dwindling population and last of its kind, then gain an increasingly depressed look on his face as he moped about. Small sighs left his lips as he slouched forward.

Sakura was just content with following along. She bought a crushed icey pop cola treat earlier, which made the hot day more bearable as they chased after Naruto, who was brimming with energy and eager to stop by every section to see the animals in their ‘natural habitat’. She listened closely while nibbling on her ice treat as Sasuke pointed out different facts and observations from the signs.

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Did you know that carrier falcons have specialized eyes? It allows them to see things really far away.

Hmm. That’s interesting.

The Fire Country hybrid, in particular, is good at utilizing wind jutsus; and using sonic shrieks to stun their prey.


There’s only 150 of them left in the wild...resulting from the extensive domestication of the breed.

She already knew many of the facts, but interested in what Sasuke had to say. After all, it wasn’t everyday the brooding Uchiha lightened up enough to talk. At least, not to her.

Meanwhile, Naruto continued to bounce around announcing the deadliest attribute of each animal. Secretly, Sakura was amused, but she didn’t say anything as she didn’t want to ruin his almost child-like wonderment.

Sakura was amazed by how varied the creatures were compared to the last time she had visited. Some of which she had never seen. They were all caught up in the oddities and splendors of the exhibits. The rhinos were especially strange: massive creatures with horns on their heads. Naruto had mocked them, much to Sakura’s dismay, who found something oddly reminiscent and appealing about their stubborn nature.

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HAHA. Look at their stupid horns!


But you have to admit, Sakura-chan. They do look kind of silly.

That’s not true... they’re just misunderstood.

They stood around the exhibit for a while, watching the two rhinos inside lumber about. Action-wise, they weren’t the most exciting, but Sakura liked watching them eat the grass. When the other two weren’t paying attention, she whispered to the rhinos that she understood their pain. They weren’t the only creatures in the world with funny foreheads. She strolled to the other side of the viewing area and read the info sign.

Huh. It looks like rhinos can charge straight ahead when they’re angry and trample things.

Sounds familiar.

What’s that supposed to mean?!


Not that Sasuke had much right to complain. Especially not after his little incident in the snake exhibit. After waiting around for nearly half an hour, Sakura had to drag him away.

It’s strange, but I can’t stop staring. I can’t tell if I hate them or like them.


But Sasuke’s strange snake fascination proved mild when compared to Naruto’s. Having gotten bored with the snakes, he ran ahead a long time ago. They found him in the next exhibit over, whispering to foxes. A glass pane separated him from the small creatures and their sly, slanting eyes.

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Normally, Naruto shouting and talking to animals wouldn’t bother Sakura. But the way he leaned down, clutched his head, and whispered things to the foxes struck her as something clearly not normal. He seemed unusually serious. Three foxes crouched by the glass, baring their teeth and drawing their ears back in agitation. They scattered the moment Sakura approached.

No. No... it’s not true. It’s not true! I never- He wouldn’t hurt anybody-



Are you okay?

Y-Yeah, I’m fine.

Were you... talking to those foxes?

No. Don’t be silly, Sakura. Foxes can’t talk.

But we just saw you. You looked like you were in pain. It didn’t seem like a light-hearted conversation.

I wouldn’t worry about it.

He looked relieved when they finally dropped the subject and dragged him away. They spent some time grabbing lunch and perusing a souvenir shop. Naruto was strangely quiet, and even docile to the point where he had no cutting remarks to say when Sasuke bought a stuffed shark-doll hat.

Sakura spent most of the hour monitoring Naruto and watching out for anymore unusual signs. For the most part, though, there was nothing to worry about. He perked back up as the hour went on. And after lunch, his energy levels returned to their usual obnoxious high.


You know those aren’t really lions, right?

What are you talking about.

Sea Lions are water mammals. They eat only fish.

Well, I figured that part. What else would lions living by the sea eat?

No. You don’t get it. They’re not actual lions. They’re more like giant seals...

Seals? Don’t be stupid. Why else would they call them SEA LIONS.


As with all arguments, they eventually turned to Sakura to settle the score.

Can you believe how stupid Sasuke is? He thinks that sea lions are seals.

Sasuke didn’t say anything. He simply stared at Sakura.

Well... that’s because they ARE seals. The name is misleading.

I can’t believe you’re siding with that loser just because you like him.


Come on, Sakura. Let’s go show Sasuke how wrong he is. Because he just doesn’t get it!

Actually, I think I’ll sit this one out. I’m feeling kind of tired.


Are you sure? Because lions that live by the sea sound pretty cool.

I’m sure.

Okay then. We’ll come get you afterwards. We won’t be gone long, Sakura-chan.

Alright. Sasuke, make sure he doesn't jump into the pit.

Sasuke sighed.

They left her sitting on a bench. Babysitting two manic-prone team-mates had proven exhausting. No wonder Kakashi didn’t want to do it. She just had to trust that the two wouldn’t get into trouble while they were gone.

The zoo seemed oddly peaceful now that she was alone. For the first time, Sakura took notice of her surroundings. The grass was well kept, the trash bins clean, the pathways clear, and plenty of trees brought shade.

She wondered where Kakashi had gone, and how he spent his day. She imagined him hiding somewhere in the zoo. Probably high up in one of the exhibit trees, reading his book. She imagined patrons doing double-takes as they mistook him for a peculiar animal.

The sign would say: “Quiet area. World Famous Copy Ninja. Master of one thousand jutsus. Carrier of the Sharingan eye.” Whispering children would point to him and speak to each other in awe, while alarmed parents would yank them away as fast as possible, shielding their eyes from the pornography in his hands.

Though in retrospect, he was probably the sort of man who wouldn’t mind living in an exhibit. Spending his days drowsing in trees and ignoring people who stared at his peculiar hair. He would be perfectly content finding a shady spot by a stream, or dozing off in the sun, book dangling in his hands. Not a care in the world. Sakura just hoped he hadn’t really fallen asleep somewhere, or devoured by hungry bears.

While strolling around, a sign overhead caught her attention.

It was a banner for the great white snowberian tiger. This tiger in particular had always been Sakura’s favorite animal to visit in the past. The last time she saw it must have been three years ago. She wondered if the same lanky beast prowled the cage, and rubbed its white fur against the iron bars.

Some things never changed.

Hello again, Mr. Tiger.

The enclosure was wide and spacious. Trees circled the area, offering privacy for the giant snowberian cat, and separating the cage from the rest of the zoo. With white head nestled on broad paws, it was the very same tiger from her childhood. Sakura could tell.

You haven’t changed a bit. Do you remember me?

The drowsy tiger didn’t respond. He opened his mouth in a yawn. Its wide jaws seemed bigger than necessary for its lanky body. Yellowing teeth and rough pink tongue flicked out for a moment, then disappeared.

Standing right up to the bars, Sakura saw everything in close detail.

She tried to imagine the tiger out in the wild, roaming distant mountain ranges, but she could not. It seemed impossible. This tired tiger had been caged for too long. It was too worn out.

Rare and magnificent, true. But now only a shadow of what it could have been.

I bet you get lonely in there.

She let her eyes roam over white fur, and over the dips of its mangy ribs. For a moment she felt sorry.

There was another person in the enclosure. Sakura suddenly became aware of this fact. The man stood at the opposite side of the viewing area, leaning on one leg, face buried in his book. His presence was so quiet that Sakura did not detect him at first.

Kakashi-sensei could be completely unobtrusive when he wanted to be.

Somehow he had mastered the art of blending in while remaining in plain sight. Sakura wondered if this is what it meant to be a ninja.

You seem fond of that tiger.

. . . .

Don’t worry. He’s been ignoring me too.

There was still not much she knew about Kakashi, other than the fact that he was lazy, often late, a dedicated reader, and at one point had sworn to protect the young team seven with his life.

What was he doing? Where had he been all day? Did the children throw food at him? A million questions flew to her head, but what left her mouth was one she didn't expect at all.

Hey Sensei, what’s your favorite animal?

I suppose I don’t have one.

Sakura felt lingering disappointment. She lowered her gaze to a crack on the ground and idly toed her foot back and forth across the cement. Was it strange that she wanted to know which animal Kakashi liked best? Which one he thought was the smartest, or coolest, or just plain interesting?

Kakashi had prowess and strength as a ninja. He was an elite Anbu captain at one point, but then something happened, and now he was forced to watch over kids all day in D-class missions. That was the extent of Sakura's knowledge over his career.

With all that power caged up, would Kakashi someday be like this old beaten tiger? She didn't sense any bitterness in him. At the moment he seemed content, just like the drowsing creature before them.

But there was a time when the tiger once paced restlessly up and down the cage, straining and rubbing its fur against the iron bars. Sakura remembered how it roared at guests, sending chills of cold fear down her spine, before the years of captivity and routine had tamed it.

Don’t you ever feel trapped, Sensei?

What do you mean?

Shoulders hunched, nose in the book, Sakura could not discern his expression. She felt a little uncomfortable and foolish, not certain if her question was welcomed or resented, not sure if she was crossing a line.

You look after us all day. It must get frustrating sometimes-like you're being suffocated.

Kakashi snapped his book shut. His gaze fell to her.

Sakura felt like she just climbed into the tiger's cage.

Do you think I hate you guys?

Well, maybe not hate... Hate is a strong word.

I won't lie. It can get frustrating sometimes.

No surprise. It would be frustrating for anyone.

But Sakura, listen. I would never abandon the team.

You... wouldn't?

That vow I made back then, to defend you with my life, is something I meant.

He seemed serious. Perhaps the vow of protection, the promise to give up his life for theirs, was something that not only exchanged lives, but also lasted for life. The thought of it was staggering. She barely dared to breath. To think... to hope... that someone like Kakashi-sensei could be theirs forever...

I never took on a genin team before. In fact, I was very cruel in turning teams away. It wasn't enough to break their confidence, I had to prove why they weren't worthy, too.

Then why did you accept us? Surely it wasn't just the teamwork.

Because the three of you made me care.

(0  0)

I care about you guys.


She felt a blush heat her face. In no uncertain terms, Kakashi just said that he cared about them. The words warmed her up, making her toes curl in pleasure. She was certain now. He would never abandon them. Suddenly, she felt like gushing.

Well, we would never abandon you either, Sensei! We care about you. We care about you a lot. You're the coolest! We would defend you with our lives.

Kakashi smiled.

Sweet sentiments. But promise me one thing?


If it ever comes down to it, don't exchange your life for mine.

... Why? You said protecting team-mates was the most important thing.

He ruffled her hair. It didn't soothe Sakura's accusing eyes, if anything it just made her irritation worse. If he thought his life was any less valuable than theirs then he had another thing coming. Especially now that Sakura just wanted to cling on to him even tighter than before.

The life of a ninja is demanding. Don't go looking for trouble because trouble will find you. So until the village demands it from you, let me carry this burden.

You never accepted a team before us. You didn't want to be cornered.

That's right.

But you don't feel cornered now.

There are definitely perks to working this gig.

Sakura wondered what those perks might be.

That's a relief. Keep those things in mind, because I haven't seen Naruto or Sasuke in a while. I left them at the Sea Lion place and have no idea what they're doing now.

I was about to ask you about that.

Does this count as forsaking my team-mates?

No. In this case, I see this as a strategic maneuver to preserve your sanity.

Ahh... Uh, Sensei. Should we go looking for them?

Nope. They should be able to handle themselves.

This is turning into willful negligence.

Didn't I say not to go looking for trouble? I'm sure something spectacular will happen soon enough, alerting us of their location.

Overwhelming laziness probably dictated this plan of action more than anything. Sakura had no complaints, though. If Kakashi was okay with animals breaking out of the zoo and over-running the village, then she supposed she was okay with it too. The blame wouldn't be pinned on her, anyway.

They watched the tiger dozing in companionable silence. Perhaps the tiger lost his killer edge, but he could go on living content in this zoo for many years to come. That thought brought some measure of comfort to Sakura.

It's the tiger.


The tiger is my favorite animal.

Sakura smiled.

Yeah, it's my favorite too. =)

Kakashi fell silent. When Sakura peeked up, she saw that his eye was closed. Whether he was meditating in deep thought, or if he had drowsed off, Sakura couldn't tell. Perhaps it was possible for him to sleep standing up, feeling comfortable with Sakura around to keep watch.

His lean frame seemed keen and poised even when at rest. Unlike the tiger, Sakura was confident Kakashi would never lose his edge. He had no reason to become mangy, because he wasn't caged. A tendril of affection curled up at the thought. He was free, and wild, and theirs.

She wouldn't disturb him again until later. When Naruto's shouts rang out from the Lion's pit. Whatever the case, he didn't sound like he was the one losing.

fin. <3

omglikewhoa, cool, kakasaku

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