The Prize!!

Jun 08, 2011 13:43

Something special arrived in the mail today. After traveling from what I estimate is roughly 4,300 miles (6,900 Kilometers), crossing over the ocean, soaring through the air, and switching through the hands of countless post office and delivery workers the package is finally in my hands. That's right fandom friends. The Second Place prize art for the Blindfolded Contest, done by the phenomenal saphri, has arrived!

It's so gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. You were right Saphri, in saying that it's even better close up.

Ever since hearing that the prize would actually be mailed to me, I've been pondering where to hang it. For sure, it's something very special that I didn't want stored away. Especially not after all the time and amount of effort our dear Saphri put into the work. Besides, it's really pretty and I like staring at it. Then again, I didn't want to alarm my roommates by having this fandom curiosity appear out of nowhere, and mysteriously hang over our dining room table, where I can see it every morning when eating breakfast (but leaving them slightly spooked and befuddled). So, the compromise:

That's right. That's the painting, and it's hanging on the wall of my walk-in closet. Now only my eyes will see it in this apartment. Doesn't that sound a little silly? But I think this works out the best for everyone. So now I can view it everyday when grabbing clothes, and yet it's in a private and secure area. <3

look at that picture!, omglikewhoa, cool, yum, challenge, kakasaku

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