Tony knows Gibbs will never say "I love you." He knows Gibbs will never call him 'sweetheart' or 'honey' or any other ridiculous endearments he's used hundreds of times with various women.
Frankly, he's not sure what he'd do if Gibbs did, because when Gibbs is being nice, he's not Gibbs. And Tony doesn't want to be with a Gibbs who's nice. He wants the bastard, the one addicted to caffeine and fast driving, who demands more of his team than any sane person should ever expect. He wants the Gibbs who can get a confession from a suspect faster than anyone else, the one who trusts his gut over whatever evidence might tell him, and who is almost always proven right by it.
He wants the man who sees through him, who sees what he can do and what he's capable of, rather than what he pretends to be. Tony wants the man who pushes him to do more, to be more than just an ex-jock turned cop, a federal agent with a love for women and expensive clothes.
If Gibbs wasn't all those things, he wouldn't be Gibbs. And Tony wouldn't want him.
But there are other ways of saying things, and Tony's learned them just like he's learned the different types of Naval ships and Marine ratings.
There's a drawer for him now, in Gibbs' dresser. Tony didn't ask for it, he didn't even mention it, but one day it was there. He keeps a change of clothes there for the nights he and Gibbs deem it safe enough for him to stay over. The nights aren't as frequent as either of them would like, but if they're both going to keep their jobs they have to be careful.
There's a bar of his peppermint soap in Gibbs' shower caddy, and bottles of his shampoo and conditioner on the edge of the tub. Tony didn't bring any of them over. Truth be told, he has no idea how Gibbs found his soap; it's not something you can buy at the drugstore. But it's there, as are his Bumble & Bumble shampoo and conditioner.
Gibbs hasn't bought new sheets, but he's made the bed with the ones Tony's brought over. And he's made room in his kitchen cabinet for the coffee Tony prefers, next to the sludge (or so Tony calls it) that he drinks.
Tony doesn't need to hear the words. He doesn't need the endearments--he's used them often enough to know that they mean nothing. What he wants, what he needs, is to know what he means to Gibbs. He needs to know that he's not just someone to warm Gibbs' bed, someone who can be easily put aside.
He feels it in the way Gibbs holds him at night. He smells it in the scent of his soap, tastes it in his coffee. He sees it in the way Gibbs watches him in the mornings, when Tony's yawning and stretching and fumbling his way to consciousness.
It's what Gibbs doesn't say, and that's what Tony needs to hear.