...but nightmares end...

Nov 12, 2016 13:55

I honestly feel like I'm living in a nightmare right now, like this can't possibly be real and surely I'll wake up tomorrow and this won't have happened.

And then I remember that reality is the nightmare right now and I just crash into either terror or despair. I'm kind of alternating between those two and anger, depending on whether I've been skimming the news. I haven't actually read the news since the election. I can't. I just can't read the terrible people he's picking for his *gag* transition team and his meetings with President Obama and I just can't do it. So I'm on a mostly news hiatus except (and you can laugh at me) what I see on FB or Twitter.

However, I have my FB and Twitter feeds set up so that what I see is left-leaning in nature and if it's not I just scroll by.

My personal FB has gotten a lot more political since the election and there have been a few arguments and just...no. If you voted for Trump, you voted for hatred, and I do not have to respect or compromise with that. There can be no negotiation if one side's premise is that certain people are worth less, are less human and American than others. I figure anyone who doesn't want to see it can unfollow me or unfriend me, but again: anger is one of the ones and yeah.

I heard somewhere that there's a petition on my college campus to make it a safe haven. Not sure what's involved with that or what it might entail but I do love my college, so much, and we've come together to support each other this week and I cling to that.

But I'm terrified. Intellectually, I know that I'm a cis white woman in a hetero marriage with financial resources. I live in a blue area of a blue state (Go West Coast progressives) and my personal life is less in danger than some.

But I'm Jewish, and I'm seeing swastikas and Sieg Heil spray-painted on the mountain local to my college, and it's the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht and I'm terrified we're going to have another one before we get to 80. I'm kind of glad we never put up our mezuzzah (note, I haven't actually seen any Trump signs around my neighborhood, and didn't before the election) because I don't know what's out there anymore.

This is not the country I recognize and I don't know if I belong in it. Last time it started with the Jews; this time is it starting with the Muslims? With the immigrants?

I'm scared.

If you're on Twitter, I'm over there somewhat sporadically but likely more now. Username, as always, is blueraccoon.

This entry was originally posted at http://blueraccoon.dreamwidth.org/1376298.html. Please comment there. |

what the fuck america, political junkie

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