
Mar 21, 2016 10:37

I haven't felt great for the last couple days and I ended up calling in sick today because I just feel crappy. The best way I can describe it is I feel "off", but I am having trouble explaining exactly what "off" means. Mostly it means a bit achy and tired and I keep feeling dizzy/light-headed at random moments and some nausea, and my head hurts this morning but that may be unrelated. I think and hope it's just some kind of bug and I'll be better in a day or two. I have to go into work tomorrow plus I'm getting my tattoo tomorrow and I really can't miss either of those, so I'm hoping if I take today to relax and take care of myself I'll feel better.

At the moment I have tea and toast with peanut butter, and I did take my morning meds so I'm hopeful when this all kicks in I'll be okay.

Meanwhile my right shoulder/arm keeps hurting and I never made it to massage this weekend because I didn't feel safe to drive. So that sucked, and my desk at home feels like it's a little too high but it's not adjustable, and my chair is already as high as it goes. I was supposed to see the chiro this morning but rescheduled to tomorrow afternoon between tattoo and work because I'm not driving to and from Redmond right now just for a 15 min chiro appointment.

Morgan and I went out yesterday to get lunch and hit Half Price, since he had a coupon for 50% off highest priced item, but by the time we got to the bookstore I felt icky enough I found a chair and just sat down. Which is fine, really; I have a backlog of books to read plus Norwescon is this weekend so I'll undoubtedly buy more. Maybe. I have to admit I've been buying most of my books on Kindle these days for convenience sake, even though I do prefer to read physical books. But I've been reading less in general than I used to, which is a bummer.

Hope with me I feel better by later today, okay?

Speaking of Norwescon, I'm pretty jazzed about it, mostly because there are a ton of panels I want to go to (some of which are at the same time so I have to figure that out) and my favorite author is the GOH (which is one of the main reasons I'm going; that and I kind of felt left out of the con thing since Morgan goes to ECCC every year so last year I told him he could go to that if i could go to Norwescon this year). But it should be lots of fun.

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pathetic whinging, healthstuff, norwescon, ow my shoulder, life as usual

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