conflicted becc is conflicted

Sep 30, 2014 17:43

Today has just...been A Day, starting with work craziness and then a migraine and then mortgage stuff and ugh. The migraine wants to come back, apparently I need a new mattress for my daybed, and I just want to hide under the covers right about now.

So Buddy peed on my daybed like last week or something, and I sprayed it with the enzyme cleaner a couple times but it hadn't completely gone away after a few days. So I asked around for suggestions and Googled stuff and a few people told me Nature's Miracle, and another person told me Borax, and in what turned out to be a stupid move I tried the Borax.

It kinda made things worse, and when I went to Mud Bay to look for suggestions tonight I learned that using Borax on top of the enzyme cleaner just screwed it all up and basically sealed the smell into the mattress. The enzyme cleaner won't work now because of the Borax, but I won't be able to get rid of the smell, either. So I'm looking at a new mattress. Which is not money I really had or wanted to spend.

I'm still going to try the baking soda/peroxide thing, but I'm not holding my breath. Ha.

So the good news is that the appraisal came in very favorably to us--we have a fair bit of equity in the house, yay!

The down side is that we have two options now and we don't know which is better.

Option 1: Keep the same loan terms as now. This gives us no cash back but lowers our payment by about $300 a month.

Option 2: Do a cash out loan. This gives us a sizeable chunk of change back, enough to pay off my car loan, the heat pump, and have a bit extra for savings or a down payment on a new car for Morgan. But it increases our payment by about $100/month for two years. Then the payment will drop by about $200/month.

It's basically a long-term or short-term question, and we're...really unsure. On the one hand, we got into the refinance to lower our monthly payment. On the other, we could pay off the other debt we have and maybe get Morgan a new car, something MIL and I agree he needs. (He says his car will last for now.)

But the increased payment would be problematic, and we'd be saving money from the two loan payments but then we'd probably have a new car payment, so...yeah.

So we're really unsure. If you've done this, what did you do and how did it work out for you?

Responses to comments may be delayed as my head wants to explode and I'm going to go take pain meds.

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homeowner life, puppy love, life as usual, ow my head

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