1. Buddy is apparently doing fine. He cried for about an hour after we left, then he settled down. But he's been eating and drinking and doing his business, and the woman I spoke with said he'd been participating in activities, so I'm going to presume he's okay and not worry too much about it. (Which is, of course, to say that we'll both be worrying a lot but at least we know he'll eat so that's something; mostly everyone keeps telling me that as long as the dog is eating/drinking/bathroom stuff he'll be okay.)
We want to check in later today because it was his first group play session and we'd like to know how he did, but I told Morgan he had to call this time because I called yesterday. And we don't know when the session will be, so we're waiting until later to call.
2. For refinance stuff, we have sent over everything except our 2012 taxes and Morgan's 2012 w-2. Those, we can't find. I requested a transcript from the IRS but I had to request a paper transcript because their online system wouldn't verify my identity or Morgan's when I tried using his information. I don't know what's up with that. But we should have the return in a week or two, Morgan can get his w-2 when he's back at work, and then we can move ahead with the refinancing. *crosses fingers*
3. We went to the Verizon store today and I put in a claim to replace my phone. My actual phone is out of stock, so they'll call me when it comes in stock and I'll get it then, but my current phone is working well enough so I'm not desperate to get it. They did offer me an "equivalent device" which would be a Samsung something, but I said I wanted to stick with my actual model. I don't want an Android phone.
4. Apparently I've been tagged to post three positive things a day for the next five days. The timing on this is not fantastic as I'm not online much while in NJ, but I will endeavor to do my best. I'm not tagging anyone; if you want to do this by all means be my guest.
Today's positive things:
a. The furkid is bringing so, so much joy and happiness into our lives. We love him to pieces and we miss him terribly and he's kind of all we talk about right now, but in our defense we've only had him a month and we don't have a human kid to babble on about. But getting a dog was such a good thing to do for us (and him!) and we're so glad we did it.
b. Writing is coming along fairly nicely. I'm up to 33 posted chapters in WC, just about 227,500 words, and I think I know where I'm going. So that is good, and I'm feeling pretty creatively fulfilled. I do think my next project is going to be the uni AU that I'm going to turn original, and I have some ideas about that, but we'll see how I do with WC first. And also there's the id-fic I should do something with at some point. I've written too much of it not to go on with it. But mostly writing is making me happy these days.
c. Mom is doing pretty well. She's doing a lot more for herself than she was the last time I was here, and she seems much more cognitively with it than she did last time. It's good. It's still somewhat awful that the wheelchair and the dialysis and the buckets of meds are status quo, but she's alive and she's okay and I'll take it.
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