Today is the day of things not working right electronically or at least taking forever to do so. I'm having issues with my work desktop still - now I can open Word but I can't open anything from the metro interface, which means I can't sync it to my personal account and have to jump through annoying hoops to access my files.
I was supposed to troubleshoot it with helpdesk tier-2 today but that didn't happen, so now I have to wait until next week. Which isn't a big deal, since I'm rarely on that computer, but I'm just irritated by it.
Meanwhile, the computer I'm using at the moment was running about as quickly as a tortoise on valium and I had to reboot it twie before it clued in and started working properly.
Then my phone wanted to update its software, although that seems to have gone okay at least.
I'm meeting with our mortgage broker on Friday to try and sort out what refinancing would do for us in the short term and long term, and whether or not we want to pursue it. Our credit scores are high enough to get a conventional mortgage, but it's more a question of whether it's worth it or not. If we could lower our mortgage payment by a few hundred bucks a month, it's definitely worth considering, and if we can get some of the cash back that'd be brilliant, but I don't know if the latter is possible.
House projects wise, we'll be talking to someone Saturday about fencing the rest of the yard, which hopefully won't cost too much. I mean, it has to get done, but I don't want to spend a ton of money on it.
I do still want to put a ceiling fan in my office, especially as it runs a bit warm in the summer. And at some point in the next some years I'd love to get an estimate on what it would take to redo the master bathroom to take out the tub we never use and put in a giant shower instead. Right now the shower stall in there is too cramped for me to use it much, and in the next few years I'll probably be sharing a tub with the dog and maybe the baby. (clearly not all at the same time.) But that's a big project and I don't know when we'd get it done or how we'd pay for it.
Buddy's foster mom will be bringing him over to our place for a home visit tomorrow. The house is slightly messy but hopefully that won't count too much against it. I'm really hoping we connect with him, that we get a very positive "This is our dog" feel that we haven't gotten from Bruce or Maggie. Although I keep thinking about Bruce. And Maggie.
We'll see.
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