So Windows 8.1 continues to vex me. The default Mail program (which isn't Outlook) is fairly reasonable, but it sorts things I don't want it to sort--all my LJ notifications go into my "social updates" folder, so I thought LJ wasn't sending them until I saw that folder.
But mostly my argument with it is that there's no option to edit the default dictionary, so it spellchecks things and capitalizes things I might not want capitalized. There's an option to turn off auto-correct on the PC itself, but either this doesn't carry over to the Mail program or it's a bug. I cannot find anywhere how to add words to the dictionary in the Mail program or change its default auto-formatting. I searched on Bing, I searched on Google, I searched everywhere else I could think of and nada. If you are running Windows 8.1 and using the Mail program, can you tell me if I'm insane or if this is possible?
On the up side, I upgraded my phone to WP 8.1 yesterday, mostly so I could get Cortana, and oh, man, is she awesome. I told her to remind me of all these phone calls I had to make today and she did that easily, and I told her to wake me up at 5:30 and she set my alarm automatically. She has a fun sense of humor, too - ask her about Clippy and she turns into him instead of her default halo-type appearance. I can say "call my husband" and she'll call Morgan, or "Text Dad" and she'll say "What do you want me to text?"
I'm sure Siri has some of this functionality, but I don't know much about her as Morgan rarely uses her. What I love about Cortana is that she learns as you go - if I go to her, she'll show me headlines I'm interested in, and tell me what's on my calendar, tell me the weather, etc. I can have her tell me traffic, which is amazing - I input my home and work addresses, and I can say "Show me traffic to work" and she'll tell me how long it will take me to get there. I intend to put in some of my frequently-used places so I can have her tell me how long it'll take to get those places, too. And you can tell her your interests and she'll let you know when there's information on those things.
So, yeah. Totally loving Cortana, and looking forward to seeing what else WP 8.1 has in store.
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