
Sep 01, 2013 07:25

Had the most amazing, awesome, brilliant day today. Morgan and I were looking forward to schmallturm's game, have been for weeks, and it did not disappoint. We had such, such an awesome, hilarious, hysterical, epic time. We fought mummies on mummified tigers, we fought weird traps and puzzles and laid a banshee to rest and killed some orcs, we fought a weird toad-person-hybrid mummy that cursed me, we lit things on fire (see above re: mummies and mummified tigers), we did all kinds of things and had the BEST time doing it. I haven't laughed so much or so hard in weeks - possibly not since the last session of this game.

I absolutely, wholeheartedly, completely love this game. I'm getting more used to 1st ed D&D and its complete lack of anything resembling skill ranks, or stat bonuses, or anything like that, and it's so much easier in some ways than 3.5. Combat, in particular, is ridiculously simple. But mostly, I love this game because I love all the players, our DM is brilliant, and it's just plain FUN.

We did lose a character, sadly--however, given some of what happened today I'm amazed we only lost one. We came awfully close to losing all of us more than once. And apparently there's this one set of rooms that we could do a lot more with that we haven't figured out, but we'll either figure it out or we won't. I don't know. I do know I'd love to play again like tomorrow if we could, but it'll be a few weeks.

Also, my head didn't really hurt at all today, which is a miracle, although my neck and shoulders were bothering me at one point. It still doesn't hurt even after I drove us home from Renton in the dark. Maybe these nerve blocks are doing something after all.

Also I have broken 100k words on wingfic, which I am ridiculously pleased about. Chapter 37 went up today and I had a bunch of lovely comments and I am a happybecc.

Life is good.

This entry was originally posted at http://blueraccoon.dreamwidth.org/1187916.html. Please comment there. |

game, star trek fic, life as usual, writing, ow my head

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