so i might look stupid but it's helping

Jun 09, 2013 11:14

I've spent much of the last hour, maybe two, with first an icepack on top of my head and then a bag of ice cubes, because my head hurts that much. It's helping. Not much, but it's helping. I took excedrin a little while ago and that's also helping, and I only have an hour and forty-five minutes left at work until I can go home and lie down with a heating pad on my neck and shoulders which are screaming in pain.

It's not my day, can you tell? I have to survive until Wednesday when I see Dr. P the ENT and I do not know how I'm going to make it. Fortunately my iWife is distracting me with pretty pictures of the Star Trek cast (Chris Pine's eyes, good grief) and writing and it's helping.

Game was fun yesterday--a little frustrating in parts, and Morgan and I are in agreement that in some ways 1st ed is so. much. easier than 3.5ed--either it works or it doesn't, and you don't have to make endless rolls and look up rules and find out what happens if X, Y, or Z...but on the other hand, I like some of being able to say "Hey, I have this skill, I roll A, what do I know?" I got to do something kinda cool, which was fun, and poor Ronelyn took one for the team and hooked up with a hobgoblin. (She was an orc at the time.)

Things are kind of loose for the next few weeks - next weekend is completely open as some folks are traveling and Chevy's due date is 6/18 so who the hell knows and we don't want to plan for a game with Strahd if he might be, you know, having to run to the hospital, so I don't know what's going on. I dreamed about Strahd's paladin character last night, which was amusing, but fortunately the gnome was nowhere in my dreams or I think I'd have woken up with a headache from beating it over the head with my quarterstaff. (If you beat something over the head in your head, does it give you a headache?)

Pinky's birthday is Friday, though, so Morgan and I are talking about doing something with her and Kroroboros to celebrate. (There's no TARDIS project due to traveling.) So we'll see.

Writing on WTWB continues apace - the problem I'm running into is that I'm writing two characters who are incredibly smart--smarter than me, that's for sure--and in order to write them plausibly I have to be able to think like them. Which is really kind of difficult at the best of times, and today it's harder than that. But if you're not caught up, I have nine posted chapters, and if I can shake this headache and make progress ten will go up later today. I may, possibly, be heading toward some kind of endpoint, but I'm not sure. I thought I was done seven chapters ago, so what the hell do I know?

ow, my head.

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healthstuff, game, star trek fic, life as usual, ow my head

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