I'm still open to more questions if you folks would like to ask. I've listed all my OCs in
this post right here to give you an idea of who's who. If there's someone you know nothing about, feel free to ask me for a mini bio, too.
Here's round one:
djmichealsfics asked about
: I know that you've made a family out of your group and that most of you aren't close with your biological family. Tony has made a family for himself too. With this in mind, knowing what we do about his parents and the subset/neglect he suffered, have you had any discussions on bringing children into your family whether through mentoring, Big Brother, adoption, whatever?
David: First off, I wouldn't say that most of us aren't close with our biological family. Really, I'm the only one who isn't. Stephen has a really tight group of siblihngs, and Joshua's parents are pretty awesome, and Kyle's mom--well, you kind of have to meet her, but she and his dad and his brothers are great. (His brothers are bigger than he is, if you can believe it.) Anyway, I digress. Tony and I have made a family for ourselves, yeah, and as for adding on to it with kids...whoa. Hoo boy. That's a tough one. I'm not going to say *never*, because you never know, but...have you *seen* Tony with kids? No offense, but, uh...it's not really his strong suit. And I like them well enough, but I don't know if I want to raise them. We haven't talked about it, no, and I don't know that it's high on our priority list. I mean, I guess we should talk about it at some point, but at this point I'm leaning toward no kids for us.
matilda36 asked about
: How do you really feel about Gil's money? Do you not feel like a kept man sometimes?
Adam: When I met Gil, I didn't realize he was rich. I mean, there were clues, like him telling me about the private boarding school he'd gone to, and stuff, but I didn't realize how much he was worth for...I don't know, a few weeks, maybe a month or two. And the thing is, he was always pretty good about going dutch, or letting me pay for some things, or whatever. So it was kind of like this thing hanging in the air that we just didn't talk about. Spring break our first year together we went skiing in Vail, and that was a bit weird because that was the first time he really paid for everything--I couldn't afford a week in Vail, even with lodging taken care of--and it felt a little weird, I admit that. What I've had to make my peace with is that Gil doesn't see it as me taking advantage of him, and now he thinks our assets should just be shared equally since we're partners. So yeah, it's a bit weird sometimes, to know that he--and I, as a result--are worth so much. But it's kind of...problems you want to have, right?
hawk_soaring asked about
: What did that moment feel like just after the accident when Gil was so injured?
Adam: Oh, God. So here's kind of what happened. We'd gone out on a date night, just out to dinner and to a jazz club, and Gil was driving, and the light had just changed to green and we're heading through the intersection and this car comes out of nowhere and slams into us. We both blacked out--I hit my head and Gil, well--and by the time I came to, they were putting me in an ambulance and I didn't actually *see* what happened to Gil. I kept asking, and they kept telling me they didn't know anything, and I've never been so scared in my life. They finally finished bandaging me up--I had a few cracked ribs and a concussion and a lot of bruises and scrapes--and by that point Gil was in surgery and Jack was there, and Jack's ex-wife who has some influence at the hospital. We finally got someone to come to my room and tell us that he was critical but stable, I think, and he was in a coma but that wasn't unexpected from the head injury and they thought he'd come out of it in a couple days. It took him four days to wake up, and...God. It was terrifying. They let me stay at the hospital, both to keep an eye on me and because I wasn't leaving Gil alone, and Jack and I just kept a bedside vigil when they didn't make me go to my own room and sleep. Jack and I timed it so Gil was never alone, and just by chance we both happened to be in the room when he finally woke up. The doctors had been muttering things about brain damage, and that was also terrifying, but when he woke up--you could tell, he was all there. The first thing he told me, after asking what had happened and how badly he was injured--he doesn't remember the accident at all, I envy him--was to go home and take a shower and get some sleep.
hawk_soaring also asked about
: Where does your music take you?
Christian: Everywhere. Music is...music is everything, to me, and it's how I see the world. I get lost in it sometimes, when I'm playing or composing, and I end up so far in the music I forget everything else. I once had a composing fit where I was working on a song, and I got so caught up in it by the time I came out of it I'd grown a full beard, every mug I had was piled in the kitchen sink, and I was wearing boxer briefs and one sock. These days I try to be better about coming back to the real world. There's just...there's this place I can find, when the music's right and everything's right, and it's so amazing, so perfect, I can't imagine anything better. I can't stay there, obviously, but it's what I try to find, even a little of, every time I play.
Got more questions? hit me up!
This entry was originally posted at
http://blueraccoon.dreamwidth.org/1136181.html. Please comment
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