The Tesselecta captain says to the Doctor, "We are champions of law and order, like you." Or something along those lines.
Um. I'm willing to grant that the Tesselecta guys are decent, but the Doctor as a champion of law and order? How about NOT THE CASE?
As I said to Morgan this morning, "If he were a champion of law and order, he'd be on the side of the Cybermen. They're certainly orderly." (Morgan does not quite agree with me and feels that the Cybermen can be described as unlawful. I say they follow their own law. You decide.)
Regardless. The Doctor is a champion of FREEDOM, and of good things and people not dying if he can help it, but law and order?
I actually almost got out of bed last night to type this post because I couldn't sleep and it was bugging me that much. Gah.
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