why is this so hard

Oct 13, 2007 12:35

i need some one to get my mind off of charlie..not another guy thats not what im looking for. thats probably why i havent looked for one... but i need friend. but its proving to be harder than hell to find one. every new guy that ive met wanted to get with me(i sound so stuck up) but thats just guys in gen. if theres a pussy with in 10 feet of them they try and fuck it.i think that i miss the tpc crew more than any other friends that i have ever had. i miss hanging out with jessy,jessica,lou,dylan,and little sister. you people are still to me closer than family. in fact you became my family and gardians when i needed some one to reach out and be there to catch me when i was 17. and you know what i got more than that. i got 7 helping me out... ya thats right all of you were there to break my fall and get me on my feet. also besides the 5 i mentioned there was the 2 the twinky and jake. thank you also. and jess your still trying to help me out. i love that. dude you found some cool job for me...and when are we gonna hang out! fuck dude i miss you come and see me...asap. i need you chick and i know that your there for me. thats what makes you the friend of a life time. i hope that we never part ways.....and even if we lose touch, i know that we will retouch(that sounds dirty!). well i just wanted to put in print how much i am thankful for all of you, even tho im sure you all know what you still mean to me. from the bottom,top,and all sides of my heart thank you for just being yourselfs. and thank you for seeing something in me that was worth all of your time, effort and thankyou for showing me that there is a reason to love life and its all in your friends...and the fact that i can call all of you friends means the world to me. thank you!
thank you!
thank you!
thank you!
thank you!
-tiffany m. jones
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