May 04, 2005 10:32
So I think I lost my mind at one point yesterday out of just sheer exhaustion...but that's okay, today's a new day and luckily for me my job told me to not bother coming in after I rushed home, they had planned for me to be absent anyways. So even though I needed the money, I couldn't even see straight last night driving home...there would have been no way that I could have thrown 50 lb boxes around for four hours.
I have an exam in an hour, I've been studying all morning. I don't have all that much of high hopes for it since...umm...yeah the class sucks. We'll see, I'll be glad to be done with school for the semester...even though I start summer school in like a week or two. All my classes this summer are online though to help me work out a good work schedule. Cuz God knows I need money, ecspecially after seeing how little financial aid I'll be getting back next year. Why me?
I'm really hungry right now, I felt really sick this morning for some reason and I made breakfast but then decided I couldn't eat it. After my exam maybe I'll grab something to eat...we'll see...
Every day I feel like when I start typing that something extremely valid is going to come out of this...but alas, no.
Maybe tomorrow...