Aug 21, 2004 17:40
if anybody knows me, they know that i am absolutly TERRIFED of spiders. i mean like i cant even look at a picture of one or see them on tv with out having to turn my head away. I HATE THEM. they are the most god awful creatures ever to be created. they had to have been a mistake. well i just had to most absolutly horriblest thing ever happen to me. i took my levi pants out of my closet and was about to put them on, when i felt something on my stomach and there was this HUGE BLACK, and Furry SPIDER. i will never be able to wear those pants agian. that son of a bitch is in my closet and i cannot go upstairs until it is dead. i mean i feel like ive been violated and im crying and shit. i cant quite shakin. so now i cant even get ready to go anywere and my dad couldnt find it in my closet. so i know, with my luck, as soon as i go back up there thinkin everything is gonna be fine... it will attack me. even just seening one in person makes me nearly hypervinalate. but omg it TOUCHED ME..... i swear to you ever time i think about it i start to cry agian. omg. i have the chills and they wont to away. i can still feel it on my tummy. OMG if anybody has any fuckin idea how to deal with this please tell me b/c i feel like im about to die.... and i cant do anything about it.
oh yeah and on top of that erics an asshole and i think me and him arnt gonna last much longer...