Towards a loftier life...

Nov 09, 2009 17:49

"...someone said that woman’s best work is that which is unseen by mortal eye...that this work is the steady uplifting and upholding of a higher standard of living; it is the reaching forward and upward, both for ourselves and others, towards a loftier life... Yes, it is hard. But, sisters, it is work that belongs to us. It is work that, if not done by us, will never be done at all. For man cannot do it - as far as the family is concerned...For as a rule, and it is a rule that has few exceptions, woman creates the atmosphere of the home."
Mrs. Julia C.R. Dorr, The Household, Vol. V, 1872

I originally went to look up woman's beauty habits from back in the day and stumbled upon all the suffrage business again. I have gone through many changes in the past year pertaining to this and the way i regard it. What is most important is that I am getting closer to peace with myself even over things that aggravate me, this is what is superior and key [to my sanity]. Well put.
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