My All The King's Men Rant

May 13, 2006 08:26

First of all my LJ is all fucked up, so Cher I think I need your help! I switched my account to the Sponsored+ thing with advertisements or something and now my background is all crazy. I don't know what to do :-(

Secondly, All the King's Men is going to be a movie. Its my favorite book of all time and I'm thrilled that it's going to be a movie. However, I'm scared that Hollywood will ruin it. As far as I can tell from the trailer (which you all should check out. i'll post the link soon), they're going to base the story entirely around Willie Stark and his politics. I understand how that would be the easiest, and perhaps the best way to make it audience-friendly, but they're completely leaving out what the book is really about--Jack Burden. And the story of Jack Burden is the story that made me fall in love with this book. The politics and what not are really the minor points in the book, although they do influence Jack directly. But his emotional and philosophical struggles are what makes the book brilliant. I don't know. Probably no one besdies Brittany has read All the King's Men, but take my advice and read it. It might be a little tough to get into, but once you're involved you're hooked.

Oh, and Jude Law is playing Jack Burden in the movie which is absolutely perfect. Jude is exactly how I pictured Jack would look.
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