Saviour for Love: Chapter 2

Sep 06, 2010 06:49

Title: Saviour for Love
Pairing: HoSu
Other Characters: ChangMin, Taeyeon
Length: Short Chaptered
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama, Humour
Disclaimer: Hmm, can i own angsty YunHo?
Summary: JunSu seeks a help from his Cupid best friend, YunHo to teach him the ways of getting his dream girl to date, but little less does he know of what'll he actually get.
A/N: Chapter 2 is finally up! Maybe it's quite boring but yeah, let's go with the flow shall we? v^^

Chapter 1: A Cupid, His Best Friend, and His Scars

Chapter 2: A Cupid, A Man Who Knows All, and his Pained Gaze


“For chocolate cake’s sake, JunSu Hyung, please tell me that it’s only that of my poor ear I just heard you saying that you have fallen in love, AGAIN?!”

ChangMin watches with his eyes wide as the man in front of him moving his head up and down, too quickly for his own liking.

“Yes! Isn’t that great, Min?!”

“Yeah, of course, for a person who is always unlucky in love like you?”

ChangMin scoffs, earning a protruding pout from JunSu which is rather an unpleasant sight for a genius like him.

So here is the real situation, analysis done by none other than the brainiest Shim ChangMin himself. A certain Kim JunSu who is unfortunately born to be his older cousin is rather unlucky in his love life. Yeah, so in simpler means, Kim JunSu is deemed to be a one helpless human being when it comes to love and girls. More to his helpless side, his cousin is now currently falling in love with their university’s belle, Kim TaeYeon who he is sure of will definitely never return JunSu’s love back.

Shim ChangMin has always been right, or so he thinks he is.

“You got YunHo Hyung’s help?!”

ChangMin watches wide eyed again as the man in front of him nods his head, and again, too much in quickness for his own speed liking.

“You must be kidding me, right Hyung?”

“No! Isn’t that double great, Min?!”

However, JunSu’s squeal is cut short by again the infamous scoff of the smirking ChangMin.

“Yeah, of course, since I don’t have any idea why THE MIGHTY Jung YunHo should help a hopeless man like you, AGAIN. He must be having a seizure the night before he agreed to help you, so yeah, you’re a one lucky person to have THAT Jung YunHo by your side, Hyung.”

Well, here is another real situation, analysis once more done by none other than the cleverest Shim ChangMin himself. A particular human being named Jung YunHo is honoured to be the best and the most sought after sage of love, which means each person that gets a help from him in pursuing their love interest will successfully succeed. The success rate? 100% or maybe more. So, in simpler words to say it, with the help of THE Jung YunHo, his cousin will definitely get TaeYeon’s love in just a matter of days or even hours, well, if he is smart enough which he knows will never happen...EVER, since well, JunSu has failed before even with YunHo’s brilliant plans to help him to woo his previous dream girls.

“So when you will start your lesson with YunHo Hyung the Great, again?”

ChangMin asks as they have gotten their lunch and sat on the table not too far from a group of students which obviously trying their luck to get the said man’s help for their love problems.

JunSu glances at his left to find the sight of his love guru best friend, snickers follow after as the said man tries to pry himself away from being swooned by all those girls and boys before turning back his attention at his cheeseburger.

“Yunnie never said when and where but I’ll go to his home after my lectures end. His parents always let me in. His home is like my second home already, so no worries!”

ChangMin disapprovingly shakes his head at the sight of his cousin wide grin.

“So tell me Hyung, what have you done for he actually agreed to help a loser like you, yet again after those countless times of failures?”

“Hey! Mind your words, mister! I’m no loser!”

JunSu exclaims frantically and ChangMin just has to dodge away some pieces of the cheeseburger the man was eating with the ninja skills he powers.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. So tell me, Hyung! I’m SO curious!”

Chuckles lightly, JunSu continues as ChangMin leans forward, eyes speaking of clear curiosity.

“Well, I went to Yunnie yesterday and told him about my love problems. He didn’t say anything much, he just agreed to help me...that was after I squished his cheeks to make him looked a gasping fish! Haha... Ouch!”

JunSu pouted dejectedly as he consciously rubs his sore head.

“Hey! What’s that for?! How dare you to smack your older cousin?!”

“That was for me to knock some sense into your head. Sometimes, Hyung, I wonder if you’re really clueless and blind to see what’s just in front of you.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean, Shim ChangMin?! You better...”

“Hello JunSu.”

JunSu’s words are cut short as he fixedly stares to his front, and instantly, ChangMin notices the girl of JunSu’s dream to stand between them, shy smiles exchanged between her and his cousin.

“Oh, hello TaeYeon...”

A faint blush decorates JunSu’s face, along with a smile too wide.

“Well, um...I look forward for our assignment together, JunSu, so partners...?”

A soft hand is held out beautifully in front of him, and JunSu holds out his own, kindly taking TaeYeon’s hand into his with somehow a playful grin.

“Partners? Only for the assignment or for life?”

“Let’s find out soon, shall we?”

TaeYeon turns to walk back, a gentle lingering scent of her makes JunSu’s heart blooms.

“She’s so beautiful...isn’t she, ChangMin?”

Witnessing them all, ChangMin can’t help but to sigh silently as he watches the solemn figure of the university’s Cupid clumsily trying to hide his pained gaze of seeing his cousin to keep on staring at his dream girl in glee.

ChangMin isn’t a fool man to begin with, he has seen it all coming, the flickers of hurt and longing in the man’s eyes.

Sometimes, all you need to do is to let your heart see instead of your eyes.

And Shim ChangMin knows that sometimes, even a Cupid can experience an unrequited love and a broken heart too, and Jung YunHo isn’t an exception.


genre:drama, genre:angst, genre:humour, length:chaptered, genre:romance, type:fanfic, pairing:hosu, author:blueplue_hotaru, rating:pg-13

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