Title: That Man in Love Pairing: HoSu Length: Threeshots (2/3) Words: 300 words Rating: G Genre: Romance, Angst Disclaimer: Not mine but the plot and words Warning: None, I guess Summary: JunSu is that man Part (s): 1 / 2 / 3
This was so fluffy and so cute, and just, I LOVE HOW YOU REFER TO JUNSU AS THAT MAN. =DDDDDDD kinda, gives it a lil mysterious feel. ♥ But kinda....it held a sad feeling too TAT
Really, reading this just makes me remember why I love your ficcs so so much! T^T
LOLOLOLOL!!! being hit by a prompt craze is good too! It's like being hit by inspiration! :D
hahahahahah~<33333 I'm glad that people are still writing HoSu too! =DDD If it does ever stop, at least, the two of us will keep writing right!? Forever HoSu shipping! ♥♥♥♥♥
HoSu!!!!~<33333333 *glomps*
This was so fluffy and so cute, and just, I LOVE HOW YOU REFER TO JUNSU AS THAT MAN. =DDDDDDD kinda, gives it a lil mysterious feel. ♥ But kinda....it held a sad feeling too TAT
Really, reading this just makes me remember why I love your ficcs so so much! T^T
it's not fair how you induce me to write the final part!
hmm, should i write then?
aww~ thanks bb!
and i miss yours too! and lately many other authors seem to write more hosu neh?
i feel so proud and happy! kkk
HoSu~ I miss them so much! TAT
hmm~ write them however you want! When inspiration hits, you'll know~ =DDD
^^ Really!!!??? I haven't really noticed if there are more HoSu ficcs or not. =v= But! It's good if there's more people writing! =DD hehe
'un'fortunately, i've been hit by 'prompt craze' instead, LOL!
yup, it's a glad isn't it? at least people are still writing them. =)
LOLOLOLOL!!! being hit by a prompt craze is good too! It's like being hit by inspiration! :D
hahahahahah~<33333 I'm glad that people are still writing HoSu too! =DDD If it does ever stop, at least, the two of us will keep writing right!? Forever HoSu shipping! ♥♥♥♥♥
LOL we're the loyal crew neh?
and yes!!! We are the forever loyal HoSu shippers! *v*
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