Title: Just
Pairing: HoSu
Length: Drabble
Words: 202 words
Rating: G
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: Not mine but the plot and words
Warning: Overly simple fic?
Summary: Maybe, love is just like that
You look into my eyes when we’re in the balcony, watching the sun to rise.
Even after all these years, that innocent clouds still present inside your dark orbs, and I smile, moving my hand to bring yours closer to the centre where my hearts is.
Yes, love?
There’s something that bothers you, I know by the way your hesitant smile hides under the solace of the morning’s shadow.
Hey, love.
I squeeze your hand tighter and when you look up again, a question is whispered.
If there’s one thing, just one thing, you want from me, instead of others, what will it be?
I let out a breath, a moment, and I take a step forward, spreading my arms as wide as they can go, and slowly pulling your closer into my arms.
Like this, right here, and with me, Su, forever.
This time it’s you who move, your arms around me and it’s just out of habit, that I move to hold you closer, and that I can feel those heartbeats. There’s then a muffled reply on my shirt and I kiss a smile on your morning hair.
I love you too, Su, always.
Yes, let’s love, just like this.