I am desperately trying to avoid finishing my 5-7 page paper due tomorrow. Someone distract me! Oh wait, that's probably not such a good idea. I tried to get some of it done at work today, but for some reason they actually gave me some work to do. Plus, my administrative boss, my backup administrative boss, my two administrative boss's boss, and my project boss, all sit within throwing distance. I'm always so paranoid that they're going to catch me not working. Right now I have them thinking that I'm super-productive because I really, really, like Excel graphs that show them my "productivity." By the way, I love my job actually. I really, really, really love not getting yelled at day in and day out like my last job. I love going pee when I need to and using a headset because I want to and not because they tell me to. Well, better actually do my paper now. Enjoy a picture of the kids.