Title: The Bestest Friends ever
Pairing: Yunjae,
Rating: G/PG
Genre: angst, fluff, comedy(?)
Length: Chaptered
(Written in text/chat fic style)
Summary: After 4 years of nothing Jaejoong decides to re-activate the old chatroom they used when they were still 5
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the fic. I wish I would own Changmin though...
A/N: Sorry for the long wait ! Here is the next chapter~ It's not beta read so sorry for all mistakes and such :)
- Izbambiboy has logged in into 'The Bestest Friends Ever' - 10:59pmIzbambiboy: wow. What a surprise. I am here and nobody else is...
Izbambiboy: I don't even know why Changmin forced me to come online here again...
- Flawless247 logged in into 'The Bestest Friends Ever' - 11:05 pmFlawless247: Oh. Hello
Izbambiboy: Hello... Jae.
Flawless247: ….this is awkward. Why are you here?
Izbambiboy: kinda, yes.
Izbambiboy: Changmin said that I should come online. And you?
Flawless247: Junsu did.
Flawless247: I guess this was their idea, huh? I don't know what their motive is but this is just...
Izbambiboy: Well the only person I did not talk to yet was you so I guess that's why they wanted us to meet here?
Flawless247: Could be but... they should have warned us !
Flawless247: this is so totally uncomfortable...
Izbambiboy: it is but
Izbambiboy: it is also nice talking, or well writing with you again... but if you don't want to I can just log out again...
Flawless247: no, please stay.
Flawless247: it does.. feel nice.
Flawless247: I just wish we wouldn't be talking like this...it would be better talking face to face...
Flawless247: but then again I don't know if I could...
Izbambiboy: I know what you mean
Izbambiboy: I don't know if I could do that either. I would most probably
Izbambiboy: well I don't know what I would do but yeah
Flawless247: …
Flawless247: do you want to know what I would do if I could see you again?
Izbambiboy: what would you do?
Flawless247: most probably break out in tears...
Flawless247: and then just jump you
Flawless247: would it be weird if I did that...?
Flawless247: ….......... you still there? You didn't answer me. It has been already 10 minutes
Flawless247: Yunho?
Flawless247: I guess you don't feel the same... maybe I should just go. Sorry for being honest
Flawless247: ….yunho? Please answer me...
Flawless247: okay fine. I guess I will see you around. Or well mostly not but whatever
Izbambiboy: I would do the same
Flawless247: what?
Izbambiboy: I would do the same. Maybe not jump you but most probably break out in tears
Flawless247: why?
Izbambiboy: do you really have to ask why? Isn't it obvious...?
Flawless247: I just want to know if it is because of what I think it is...
Izbambiboy: it's because I miss you.
Izbambiboy: I miss you so much. Every time I see an article about you my heart hurts because it longs for you
Flawless247: I miss you , too Yunho. So so much. I am really sorry for leaving you behind...
Flawless247: I heard your new song... it is really... it made me cry to be honest
Flawless247: Do you really feel like that?
Izbambiboy: I wish it was like that. You never called me so I don't exactly feel like that. But it would be a lie that I would not feel like that if you did indeed call me.
Izbambiboy: I did try to get over you. But that's understandable because I thought that it was finally over
Izbambiboy: well it is over, right? There is no future for us.
Flawless247: Yunho... I am so sorry I don't even know what to say
Flawless247: I will never forgive myself for hurting you like that..I am so so sorry
Flawless247: and..
Flawless247: It's so weird saying it by using a chatting room. I feel like a loser right now
Flawless247: but anyways. I want you to know something
Flawless247: I never stopped loving you. I still love you. Have you ever listened to my songs? There are so many that I wrote for you. With you in my mind. They are about us. Our love, our pain. I just... I never forgave myself. I don't know how I could be so selfish. I should have stayed by your side, should just have endured it like you and Changmin did. But I guess I was not strong enough for that... I can't say it enough. I am so sorry but I love you. And I probably always will...
Flawless247: You don't have to answer. I just want you to know how I feel. I should better go now...
Flawless247: Good night, Yunnie-ah..
Izbambiboy: I listened to them. To every single one. You can't imagine how much it hurt.
Izbambiboy: you want to talk right?
Flawless247: uhm. Yeah I do.
Izbambiboy: okay
Izbambiboy: 010-4321-XXXX
Izbambiboy: call me
Flawless247: are you sure? I don't know if I will be able to actually get a word out...
Izbambiboy: yes I am and it doesn't matter
Izbambiboy: hearing you breath would already be enough for me
Izbambiboy: so just call me okay? We can talk. It takes too long this way
Flawless247: alright. I will call you Yunnie.
Flawless247: oh sorry. I don't even know if I am allowed to call you like that...
Izbambiboy: it's alright... Boojae
Flawless247: okay ♥ I will call you now. I will log out for it okay?
Izbambiboy: alright. I will wait for your call ♥
Flawless247: I am so excited right now. It has been ages since I heard your voice.
- Flawless247 logged out of 'The Bestest Friends Ever' -
Izbambiboy: Me too
Izbambiboy: my love
- Izbambiboy logged out of 'The Bestest Friends Ever' -
A/N: So... there is still one chapter left, the OT5 one, and then this fic is overr~
Not really. You could say that the chaptered part of it is :)
after that I am planning to turn it into a series and just continue whenever I feel like it xDD
I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading ~
I am already working on the last chapter so it should be up soon :)
Comments are loved <3