No really it bugs me a lot. There was this thing on the weekend morning news once about how SNL was making fun of the blind Governor in NY and they had on a local personal injury lawyer (works in his fathers firm, i've seen the commercials for years and figured he was blind or some crap)j. He was all like "this is wrong, blind people have feelings". And that blindness movie that was out over the summer, the national federation for the blind was all butthurt over it. fucking irriates my taint.
Nah, I get you. I mean, Blazing Saddles and Dave Chapell (sp) are fuckin' hilarious. BLACK WHITE SUPREMACIST FTW! Insulting, my ass. If it's funny, let it go. If it violates a person's rights, stub it out. Non-hurt-feelings is not in the Bill of Rights or Constitution.
But actual bigoted worldviews make me pissy. Where does she get the right to judge people like that?!
But actual bigoted worldviews make me pissy. Where does she get the right to judge people like that?!
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