I got blue balls for christmas!
In all, it was a great 24th. Got up early on accident, convinced Julie to stay home 'cause she was ill, got to work on time. It was just myself, Kim, and Jody in the back all day. Kim and I got to talk a lot and that was fun. TODAY WAS SO SLOW! no scripts coming in, so I spent a good half day just cleaning shit.
We went to SSSube for lunch to celebrate Krista's birthday. Then I got off work 30 min early because Julie called and said they were starting the X-Mas party @ Mom's early and Desna didn't want to make me stay 'till 6.
I got to Mom's at the same time as the Kellys; good timing! Krista was not there 'cause she had to work, which is typical and expected. There was potato soup and cookies and I drew pictures with Parker and Conner for a while.
It was so fun opening the presents! The kids went absolutely APESHIT! Andy(ANDREW.) got everyone a present from the little Secret Santa Giftshop they hold at elementary schools. He got me a salt and pepper shaker in the shape of those balls you hang on a tree, blue. Hence the blueballs comment. LOL! He is such a sweetie!
After everyone went home, I took a ton of food to Krista at the north clinic. They were PACKED... and most the animals were dogs that ate a pound of chocolate or a whole mincemeat pie or something. It was sadly hilarious, you couldn't turn around for tripping on a dog induced to vomit. Mom wanted to come with me, but she still had to set out the Luminarias and had started feeling a mite bit ill herself.
Arriving home, Julie and Andrew were setting up Santa gifts for Emmy in the morning and we just finished watching White Christmas.
:) Best Christmas in recent memory! Even better than the year we didn't do gifts at all and just focused on the religious aspects. I valued that year a lot; it really brought home the Family aspect to me. AND! For the first year I can EVER remember, I didn't get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people there! I didn't get stressed and have to go hide away for any amount of time.
Andy's (ANDREW's.) jubilant exhuberation was honestly infectious and really kept me laughing the whole time. Oh, it was so much fun!
and, from Ben Templesmith: